29 Rogue Weapon Advice *horde*

Elairan said:
Vendetta isn't that great. It used to be before cast interruption normalization.

Vendetta is all about using Crippling on D. WSG dagger is the OH for sustained.

I use a poker with +5 and a sharpening stone on main hand, then carry Vendetta with +15 agil and crip as my primary OH and keep Scout's Blade +15 agil and instant poison in by bag for sustained damage (ie: taking down the EFC). 0/0/20 spec. No, I don't do the same overall damage as other rogues, but my preference in playstyle is to do a lot of midfield D, take down EFCs that are turtling, and protect and escort my FC. Much of my sustained damage comes from using my 3pt ambush to fuel a long slice n dice while I regen energy. I can do the same building up from an Evis or two if I need to.

I think it's a fun spec, but I doubt most will enjoy a playstyle that usually results in less overall damage and fewer HKs. But I tend to make a lot of plays and get a LOAD of flag returns.
Vendetta was pro back when spell pushback was a factor. Its still good now, but it is really only necessary in premades. And Im assuming most twinks here will be solo Qing or Qing in small groups, against other randoms. In that case, the chances of your poisons actually being removed is pretty much inexistent.

Vendetta is nice to have, and definitely a top-tier weapon. But after spell pushback was changed, other options opened up for 29 oh weapons
Subpar said:
Vendetta was pro back when spell pushback was a factor. Its still good now, but it is really only necessary in premades. And Im assuming most twinks here will be solo Qing or Qing in small groups, against other randoms. In that case, the chances of your poisons actually being removed is pretty much inexistent.

Arena exist too
Subpar said:
Vendetta was pro back when spell pushback was a factor. Its still good now, but it is really only necessary in premades. And Im assuming most twinks here will be solo Qing or Qing in small groups, against other randoms. In that case, the chances of your poisons actually being removed is pretty much inexistent.

Vendetta is nice to have, and definitely a top-tier weapon. But after spell pushback was changed, other options opened up for 29 oh weapons

Now that 3.2 is here, pug games are looking more and more like premades, and as the pvp iq of twinks continues to rise to the competition, more people are learning the importance of abolishing poisons and dispeling magic.

Vendetta > all. It's not even close (unless you're an ambush rogue)
Subpar said:
Vendetta in both hands with Slice n Dice, imo

10 haste on gloves, imp SnD, glyph of SnD, drums of speed, festival haste buff, troll racial, 5 damage on each vendetta, +6 sharpening stones

Cptheal said:
what no one seems to get is that vendetta is good BECUASE IT IS UNDER THE GCD.

[item]Scout's Blade[/item].

1.7 Attack Speed *0.9 from Lightning Reflexes * 0.8 from SnD = 1.19 Attack Speed.


1.3 Attack Speed * 0.9 from Lightning Reflexes * 0.8 from SnD = 0.91 Attack Speed.

Whats the argument here? Is losing 0.28 seconds on your offhand really going to make the difference when they're both below GCD anyways? You gain 1 Agility, 3 Stamina, 8 bottom end damage, and 14 top end damage with Scout's Blade.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
Elairan said:
[item]Scout's Blade[/item].

1.7 Attack Speed *0.9 from Lightning Reflexes * 0.8 from SnD = 1.19 Attack Speed.


1.3 Attack Speed * 0.9 from Lightning Reflexes * 0.8 from SnD = 0.91 Attack Speed.

Whats the argument here? Is losing 0.28 seconds on your offhand really going to make the difference when they're both below GCD anyways? You gain 1 Agility, 3 Stamina, 8 bottom end damage, and 14 top end damage with Scout's Blade.

Correct me if I'm wrong.


Elairan said:
[item]Scout's Blade[/item].

1.7 Attack Speed *0.9 from Lightning Reflexes * 0.8 from SnD = 1.19 Attack Speed.


1.3 Attack Speed * 0.9 from Lightning Reflexes * 0.8 from SnD = 0.91 Attack Speed.

Whats the argument here? Is losing 0.28 seconds on your offhand really going to make the difference when they're both below GCD anyways? You gain 1 Agility, 3 Stamina, 8 bottom end damage, and 14 top end damage with Scout's Blade.

Correct me if I'm wrong.


lolLightning Reflexes is awesome, right?
does the +5 dmg boost the wep with just +5 dmg ? im just curious, ive always looked at the +dmg ench as useless if they only boost your dmg from like. 600 to 605
Zaske said:
does the +5 dmg boost the wep with just +5 dmg ? im just curious, ive always looked at the +dmg ench as useless if they only boost your dmg from like. 600 to 605


5*2.75=13,75 Additionnal damage to your ambushs


5*1.5=7,5 Additionnal damage to your backstabs
Locked isn't even being serious. He derailed from being serious about explaining vendetta to countertrolling everything Elairan is saying.

Who would use Lightning Reflexes? I'd never use at 29, there's much better talents out there.

iaccidentallytwink said:
Locked isn't even being serious. He derailed from being serious about explaining vendetta to countertrolling everything Elairan is saying.

Who would use Lightning Reflexes? I'd never use at 29, there's much better talents out there.


Even though I looked at lock's spec earlier today/yesterday and he had Lighting Relfexes. lol

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