29 Rogue Weapon Advice *horde*

Zaske said:
I see :) thx <3

Plus 5 dmg / 1.7 speed = 2.94 white dps extra


15 agi = 1.1 dps on mainhand and 0.54 dps on offhand (so about 1.7 dps white dps not factoring in +hit) plus about 1,2% crit plus dodge plus armor plus some extra weapon max dmg (which i am too lazy to calculate right now)

If you don't use the weapon with +5 dmg exclusively for Ambushing then i would say +5 dmg and +15 agi on mainhand are pretty equal.

To the people here who answer posts with insults: learn how to lead a useful discussion! It is ok to have different opinions but telling someone he is clueless and not giving any arguments because they are oh-so-obvious is just plain bad style. What is a forum for? Is it there to show how much you know and how awesome you are or is it there for exchanging ideas and information? Think about it.
No Mojo = Nice

Locked = Being a Douche

I also thought the forums were for shareing oppinions and learning, not for making a douche of yourself. I seem to remember Drayner making a blog about how we were supposed to be nice to each other.
Hey guys, lets all hold hands and sing koom bai ya around a camp fire while we talk about puppies and rainbows!
Oh you're so mean. Was it you who got the bloodlust thread deleted?
Elairan said:
Even though I looked at lock's spec earlier today/yesterday and he had Lighting Relfexes. lol


I never ever EVER had this f'n crappy talent.

SS or it didnt happen

Chippe said:
Oh you're so mean. Was it you who got the bloodlust thread deleted?

No Mojo said:
To the people here who answer posts with insults: learn how to lead a useful discussion! It is ok to have different opinions but telling someone he is clueless and not giving any arguments because they are oh-so-obvious is just plain bad style. What is a forum for? Is it there to show how much you know and how awesome you are or is it there for exchanging ideas and information? Think about it.

Locked said:

5*2.75=13,75 Additionnal damage to your ambushs


5*1.5=7,5 Additionnal damage to your backstabs

Get +5 Damage on Torturing Poker

Bleeding Crescent is bad. Don't use it.

Dagger: Torturing Poker +5 Damage MH / Vendetta (Scouts) 15 Agi OH

Sword: Zealot Blade +15 Agi (or LS) MH / Vendetta (Scouts) 15 Agi OH

or with BoA: Venerable Mass of Mcgowan +15 Agi (Or LS) MH / Vendetta (Scouts) 15 Agi OH

Locked said:
TP is obviously the best MH dagger, but if you go sword, the weapons I listed above are the best. (Dal Rend is also very good),

Vendetta > Sharpened Scarlet Kris = Scouts > Heartseeker > Saber for OH

Edit: Mongoose is overrated.

That was helpful, huh!?

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