29 Rogue BoA Shoulders/Wpns

Hey all, i whant to make a 29lvl twink rogue, and i don't know what shoulders to choose. I mean i think for pvp its better to buy PvP BoA? ANd is it good to 29 rogue to buy BoA shoudels and 2x Weapon for Heroism emblems?
Xuliganas said:
Hey all, i whant to make a 29lvl twink rogue, and i don't know what shoulders to choose. I mean i think for pvp its better to buy PvP BoA? ANd is it good to 29 rogue to buy BoA shoudels and 2x Weapon for Heroism emblems?

BoA shoulders

Torturing Poker/ Dal'rends

Vendetta/wsg dagger/balanced heartseeker
I had to make a chart, as your answer could be a bit more elaborated... it seems that with vendetta you'll get an extra attack more or less every 3 1,7 speed hits.
Vendetta is better than Thornspike because:

1) Fast attack speed means more poison procs. with 1.3 Cripple Poison should always be on.

2) Fast attack speed = more casting pushback = longer casting time for the casters

But why not 2x heirloom wpns? for heroism emblems? suck? and where to get 15 git enchatn to shoulders?

and btw, why any rogue not taking Ghostly Strike?
Heirloom are not always the best in slot item, actually for melee the weapons are rarely better than existing blues. There is no enchant for shoulders at 29, if you see someone that has it, in game it is red because he had it done pre 3.1. As for ghostly strike... meh, I'm board typing.
Xuliganas said:
But it will not be realy bad if i get 2x heilroom wpns?

Why would you want to when getting torturing poker/wsg dagger is so much easier (and better)

Cause on main i got 200 heroism emblems, and poker drop chance is 3%

btw is [item]Toughened Leather Gloves[/item] good glvoes for 29 rogue?
Xuliganas said:
I think that i will jsut get 2x Heriloom daggers, put 15 agility on both and gonna be ok..

It's always good to ask questions, and then do whatever you want anyways, regardless of what everyone is telling you.
Scarlet kris might be the best balanced offhand. With vendetta you're gimping your dps and stats, and with scout's you're gimping your dps by forcing yourself to MH crippl. Scarlet kris is the perfect middle term: good speed, imba dps and imba stats.

Besides, who cares what's the optimum, everyone plays the way they want. I also like to have over 100 spellpower instead of focusing into sta-int. All's fine in the world.
Zyrkonos said:
Scarlet kris might be the best balanced offhand. With vendetta you're gimping your dps and stats, and with scout's you're gimping your dps by forcing yourself to MH crippl. Scarlet kris is the perfect middle term: good speed, imba dps and imba stats.

Besides, who cares what's the optimum, everyone plays the way they want. I also like to have over 100 spellpower instead of focusing into sta-int. All's fine in the world.

Sharpened Scarlet Kris? Really? I've heard the argument for balanced hearseeker, but SSK?

Also, lots of people care what's the optimum. In fact, I believe that's pretty much the definition of twinking.
Bezerk said:
OK ok yeh i'm now confused on this too so what in your oppinion is the best rogue OH?

Tier 1


Tier 2

Balanced heartseeker

Wsg dagger

Tier 3

Cross dagger of the monkey/power

SSK? (lol)

Outlaw sabre (ap set)

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