I play a 29 resto druid. Personally, i have learned from experience thus far that due to the sheer numbers of twink rogues and hunters in this bracket, one must have adequate hp to survive. Thus, i have altered my numbers a bit, pulling about 10-20 spellpower and maybe 100-200 mana to add upwards of 400-500 additional health to my druid. i feel like my biggest sacrifice was mana regen, but in my opinion druids don't use THAT much regen, as the hots are fairly efficient on most targets. plus, if trouble insues, i pick up a healing buff from a hut in wsg or spawn in ab. i NORMALLY make it through almost every fight without going oom - at which point i can drink up for the next encounter. plus, as an alchemist, i am always stocked on mana/hp pots (+600-650 mana every 2 minutes) for those moments that i DO go oom. here is what i am currently sitting on.
chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner
the only thing i would like to change when 3.2 comes out and xp is no longer an issue is to trade out
<font color="#0068FF">Plains Ring</font> for
<font color="#0068FF">Charged Gear of the Eagle</font>, so i'd sacrifice 10 hp for an additional 40 mana, a worthwhile trade if you ask me...
as you can see, that is self buffed - MotW, rumsey rum, toughness (mining), and elixir of fortitute (alchemy). i know some may say "he doesn't use the rumsey and elixir EVERY time he spawns after death so it doesn't count towards buffing" but in truth...i do, because typically, i only die once or twice in the average BG. so, with those buffs, my stats are as follows:
-2168 hp
-2164 mana
-120 SP
-89 spirit
that puts me at 2618 hp in bear form - SELF BUFFED.
if i were fully buffed, i am literally a walking, thinking, indestructible wrecking ball of havoc and mayhem. my buffed stats (fort, kings, wisdom, arcane intel, blood pact - granted, this is BEST scenario, which my pvp team normally has, give or take the imp's buff on occasion) are as follows:
-2718 hp
-2569 mana
-120 SP
-96 spirit
which in bear form puts me at a whopping 3478 hp. Now, with the VERY rare occasion, being that they cost 15k honor, myself or a teammate will have a battle standard available. the additional 15% hp grants me an additional 522 hp in bear form, which puts my total health at a staggering 4000. oh, by the way, in case you forgot, that is in FULL resto gear (120 spell power), so i can pop out of bear and cast a quick rejuv/regrowth with full increased healing effects and go straight back to bear. bottom line - thank you very much for trying but you're not gonna kill me, sorry.
"try to kill me now ambush crit.." *ambush crit by twink rogue* "oh my armor mitigates your twinked ambush crit from 1k all the way down to 650? which barely makes a dent in my health?" *twink rogue QQ's and /afk's* "next opponent please."
to sum it all up - twink resto druids = easily the best and most versatile survivability players in 29 battlegrounds. i have personally had 6 regular alliance twink opponents create a player on my realm for the sole reason of telling me that my existance makes them want to delete what they thought was a twink, primarily because i am in a class of my own. of course i take this as "resto druids are in a class of their own - if they are played correctly."
PS - i hope this post doesn't come across as TOO cocky. i have put a lot of time and thought into how gear will best suit my character to be most efficiently utilized. HP is a HUGE concern, in my opinion, in early pvp brackets because twink dps have quite a bit of burst that can frequently out-do a druid's HoT's. But please don't think I'm a jerk who is "on his high horse", I'm just confident from all the work and time i have put in. reviews/suggestions are MUCH appreciated, even if it's constructive criticism

btw, im glyphed rejuv/dash.