29 premades in veteran and f2p bracket

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Most of the time i Q horde and is pretty much gyfarm, always some ftp on ally that dont give up, normal stuff; today i said lets log on my takeyoshape and Q some ally as horde is overpopulated, then i get into 3 bgs in a row vs twinks with this nigga in them, he just trying to fragbelt me arround and he just kept failing and dying over and over, then i get into xpoff and another horde player crying because he is losing more than one time. Judge by yourself.
20 premade is as toxic as 29. Levels means little.
Look at the bright side: when they fail half of team leaves.
Idk what you’re saying
Its pretty basic, but let me spell it out for you.

90% of the F2P players you interact with have a paid account in addition to their F2P account. We pay for the game.

Even if we didnt, its downright fucking weird to see someone on a twink forum try to play the "you arent playing the game as intended, so shut up" card. WoW is "intended" to be played at end game, yet here we all are.
Its pretty basic, but let me spell it out for you.

90% of the F2P players you interact with have a paid account in addition to their F2P account. We pay for the game.

Even if we didnt, its downright fucking weird to see someone on a twink forum try to play the "you arent playing the game as intended, so shut up" card. WoW is "intended" to be played at end game, yet here we all are.

I think words are too much for him, we might need some kind of picture catalogue.
Don't think your (29) is good because you beat a bunch of levellers, f2ps and level 20 veteran accounts with premades of 29s. 29's rolling premades in my opinion are weak players, that's why they roll premades in the only free to play bracket.
Yours truly,

Bracket is rubbish and the only people who take it seriously are those who couldn't make it vs real twinks...


More than happy to show you where you belong. And I'm no glad either... Where does that put you?
[doublepost=1547257062,1547256325][/doublepost]Also... Since when as this been the f2p and vet bracket? I'm sure it s 20-29 bracket and you lot are allowed to dwell here...
Honestly face rolling a 29 premade isn't even fun, you guys want a challenge? roll a veteran account like me and the other og's
[doublepost=1547265013,1547264621][/doublepost]By the way this isn't a complaint, this is what I think of noobs premading to win in the only f2p bracket in game.
Most of the games arent very challenging on vets either. Most of the times it comes down to consumable junkies and 29s have alot more of those.
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