Gonna start asking you guys to post evidence, i.e. screenshots / videos / photoshopped pictures to support your claims if you expect me to take you seriously.
P.S. get on muh level
P.S. get on muh level
Gonna start asking you guys to post evidence, i.e. screenshots / videos / photoshopped pictures to support your claims if you expect me to take you seriously.
P.S. get on muh level
My "Actions speak louder than your words"\
Get the fuck out of Chiraqs house.
I only afk in bgs if I need to do something i.e: go somewhere or help my family real fast other than that I won't afk unless I'm leaving somewhere and gj on 800 wsg games played but maybe get in my level and get around over 1,000 wsg games played.Lol brah you afk'd against my pug team within first 5 mins the last time I saw you in a BG. Besides it's not like I don't have over 800 games played where I didn't leave... I love that you talk shit about /afk'ing bg's when I see you do it a lot, kinda hypocritical. Zelpher as well, not sure why he thinks he's such a good hpally when his build is straight laughable between the Speed of Light and crit gloves / boots. I've seen every single person talking shit about me leaving BG's afk at least once against my team, so if you're trolling then well done you got me to bite but if not I suggest you get help for whatever mental issue you have.
Do you just get drunk every night and come to twinkinfo to shitpost people and act like a gangster?
I only afk in bgs if I need to do something i.e: go somewhere or help my family real fast other than that I won't afk unless I'm leaving somewhere and gj on 800 wsg games played but maybe get in my level and get around over 1,000 wsg games played.
P.S: we don't need ss to prove that you afk I just need to ask all of the twink community
Props on your 50% loss ratio bro.
You lose frequently, that makes you a loser. You're a loser.
Get on muh level boiee
What's your AFK ratio?......Oh Stat's don't keep track of that.
.......If you're not trolling at this point, you're really a waste of oxygen.
No, you really have a 50% loss ratio. You wasted again?
Get on my level boiee
Props on your 50% loss ratio bro.
You lose frequently, that makes you a loser. You're a loser.
Get on muh level boiee
Yea......and you're still "Wasted Space" HAHAHAHA, I'll make sure whenever I'm on you'll never farm Alliance you fucking disgrace for a twink.
Why are you such a hater? Talk your shit buddy but I still see you AFK every losing game you're in against me, I don't farm Alliance regardless but I know you get farmed by my team's plenty. You don't even solo Q and your W/L is still garbage... what a lol fest. Post another gucci mane song and act like you're a gangster some more for me why don't you.
P.S. This is a rate-a-twink thread, there's a poll to vote your rating for a reason. 10/10 or better or gtfo
Thanks for taking your useless life and making it kind of useful to look at a real player bc if you would see I have around 1,100 wsg games played and around 650 are won so I would say I have a 60% WIN ratio. I bet you have a %99.999 afk ratio