+25 agi Vs. fiery Help ME!

Okay well heres the lowdown guys, im rolling a twink warrior on bleeding hallow.

Basically i need advice on weapon enchants.

Okay so i managed to get a night reaver off the ah for 55g and i pulled 2 smites hammers out of vc (on the 2nd and 3rd run i might add =D, Defias chest on 1st)

on my 1st smites im putting crusader, which to me is a no brainer.

but on my night reaver im not sure if i wanna put fiery or +25 agi for sader proc then swap to boost more dps.

anyone suggestions?

oh and on my second smites im gonna put the other +25 agi/fiery chant.
There is no such thing as 400 average hit on a warrior or pally ATM.
I'm guessing the Expertise racials have an effect on the number of procs since you're getting dodged/parried less, probably wrong though.
Gogo 25 agility for when crusader procs.
Crilicilyn said:
are u an orc or human?

Humans and Orcs are the only races that can be warriors.

I should delete my undead warrior since undead can't be warriors.

25 AGI imo, a lot more crit from that and if your critting with crusader on hoshi hope you have zerkers rage.
if he was a human than the expertise on the mace would put that as the priority weapon over the axe, though if he was human he should have glacial anyways lol
yeah lol, i get what yall are saying,

the reason i picked up night reaver was cause im an orc.

but im thinking agi on the night reaver, and ill put fiery on my other smites just for burst on a druid fc.

hows that sound?
BOSS Machine said:
Okay well heres the lowdown guys, im rolling a twink warrior on bleeding hallow.

Basically i need advice on weapon enchants.

Okay so i managed to get a night reaver off the ah for 55g and i pulled 2 smites hammers out of vc (on the 2nd and 3rd run i might add =D, Defias chest on 1st)

on my 1st smites im putting crusader, which to me is a no brainer.

but on my night reaver im not sure if i wanna put fiery or +25 agi for sader proc then swap to boost more dps.

anyone suggestions?

oh and on my second smites im gonna put the other +25 agi/fiery chant.

I like to have one with firey and crusader but thats just me
hmmm... i think fiery > crusader in PVP !

crusader the life gain is clearly not that good, helpfull at times, rarely still...

and the attack power gained from crusader will probably go to waste while switching weapon, for you are already losing time without hitting, and the opponent rarely stands in place and thus if it ever pops youd have to be real lucky to be able to give more then 1-2 hit with crusader on.

fiery on the other hand, doesn't heal you at all, but when it pops you are sure it will hit. and it pops a lot more then crusader thats for sure. i think fiery DPS wise in PVP is a way better choice for DPS then crusader !

EDIT: i got taken away, people were talking about sader...

between 25 agi and fiery, i really dont know, 25 agi gives you armor, though not enough, gives you crit, thats always interesting since its a bit more then 1% and it gives you doge though it was nerfed byt he years and now barely gives anything.

nah i'd still take fiery for a warrior.
25 damage... fiery = 40

25 agi = 25 AP, i just dont know if that AP is just ranged or if the warrior actually gains it for melee.

and the crit from 25 agi is awesome in itself. more crit = more then your 200 white damage that might not even be hit at all.

its true that sader does a lot more damage if it does hit, but its important to notice that it works great only on those that wont be knowing too much of their class. good player will not give the warrior a chance at hitting too much by jumping around and thus your sader if it procs during the fight wont be hitting those white 200 shots too much.

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