+25 agi Vs. fiery Help ME!

ArthurianKnight said:
hmmm... i think fiery > crusader in PVP !

crusader the life gain is clearly not that good, helpfull at times, rarely still...

and the attack power gained from crusader will probably go to waste while switching weapon, for you are already losing time without hitting, and the opponent rarely stands in place and thus if it ever pops youd have to be real lucky to be able to give more then 1-2 hit with crusader on.

fiery on the other hand, doesn't heal you at all, but when it pops you are sure it will hit. and it pops a lot more then crusader thats for sure. i think fiery DPS wise in PVP is a way better choice for DPS then crusader !

EDIT: i got taken away, people were talking about sader...

between 25 agi and fiery, i really dont know, 25 agi gives you armor, though not enough, gives you crit, thats always interesting since its a bit more then 1% and it gives you doge though it was nerfed byt he years and now barely gives anything.

nah i'd still take fiery for a warrior.

Fiery>Sader comment on top of 40sp on staff advice /continues sighing
Warriors only recieve 2 armor, 1 RAP, dodge and crit chance increases per point of agility (Don't know the % gains for Dodge and crit). There is no Melee AP gain for warrriors from Agility.

Dodge Chance Increases, Druids get the best bonus from Agility, then Rogues, then everyone else but hunters, then hunters recieve the least dodge per agility.

Crit from agility, I believe Pallies, Warriors, DKs and maybe Druids/Shaman recieve a higher Crit per Agility than Hunters and Rogues.
There was some good maths done a little while ago done by Bansil and verified by me that fiery is far superior to 25 agi. Main chantwise, for me its a tossup between sader and LS, but sader is the chant going on my SF.
LS on SF and sader on ur 2her. LS on SF is the best 1h weapon for warriors kore. 30 SP SF's for pallies. And i don't need to tell u tht lesser elemental slaying on a hunter's is pro too also i hope =D... Sader is wtf burst. that is what pvp comes down too. wtf burst. while using a 2her.
Nah, i dont like the squishyness of a 2h tbh, i'll chuck fiery on my glacial for taking down those pesky druids. All this requires me to finish my warrior and Xfer and get some pvp going so i can try it out tho. If im feeling particularly anti 2h when the time comes that i finish the furby chain i might even take gutterblade over glacial just to have a second 1h, tho i probably wont. I understand the limitations of sader and the benefits of LS, but i wont really appreciate it until i get a chance to play it. only 5 more AGM till i xfer it (that and i need the cash too)

/rambling over

Edit: WTH you talking about elemental slaying for? everyone knows they need demonslayer to deal with locks!

Edit2: argh i couldnt stand taking gutter, top ends crappy and i would never be purrfect. /ramble on
I would take something permanent then something that could proc on a 1 hander, but thats just me, i would go for strenght on my 1hander and 2hander. But ofc with a 2nd and 3rd 2 hander weapon with fiery and sader. Imao just get al :D

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