24s posting in F2P poll

Yeh when you signed up for a public forum, ur free speech is no more, and mods can decide what you say or don't say
threesets said:
Yeh when you signed up for a public forum, ur free speech is no more, and mods can decide what you say or don't say

i guess its like nazi germany. i dont get it i try to excercise freedom of speech in real life the authorities(f them) say i have to stop cause i m too racist. i try to excersise freedom of speech here the mods say restrict what i say
trialfarmer said:
wow inkobath you banned him and willyshatner for having their own opnion. seriously whats wrong with having our own opinion

I actually didn't ban anyone. But apparently one of the staff members thought what whoever you're talking about deserved an infraction and subsequently a ban (which means they've gotten in trouble before around here). Also I actually came along and reversed Willy's ban personally after I thought the infraction in question was too harsh. So while you might think we're a bunch of jerks that ban people that disagree with us I can say that we always try to allow freedom for disagreement. It's when people try to force their disagreement where we step in...not because of the disagreement but because of how they communicated it.

kratos said:
Hey there Ink, not trying to flame or troll or anything as this is a sincere question. Clearly the question of where 24's should be posting as of right now is a murky subject, and I know that with the plans coming up to change the site soon that this issue will be resolved. But as of right now, from the admin's point of view, where should any thread involving 24's be posted? I'm assuming the 20-29 bracket, but then again there is the side that the 24's and F2P play in the same bracket. Would love just a definitive answer, tyvm

It's my preference that 24s post in the 20-29 section atm. It will only be like that for another week though. While I don't have a problem with a 24 posting something in the f2p section, it does seem like most of the posts in the f2p section by a 24 is a troll or flame.

Harleybow said:
I understand several sides to this. 20-24 is the same bracket but the forum section is 20 f2p. 24s get topics moved and the 24 trolls get banned. When do the f2p trolls get banned? I don't think I have seen a f2p get banned for trolling a 24, and they are allowed to troll in both sections of the forum ( not counting the 10-19).

I think we're fair for both sides. Ofc if you see instances where that doesn't seem to be true feel free to contact me by PM with a link and I'd always be glad to look at it. I'll admit that we're certainly not perfect and any expectations placed on us as such are just setting everyone up for failure.

threesets said:
Yeh when you signed up for a public forum, ur free speech is no more, and mods can decide what you say or don't say

Yeah if you think this place is a democracy I'm sorry to say that it's not. Again we try to be fair to everyone but if someone is a douche we will deal with them. The funny thing is for those of us that have been around TI for a long time we know full well our current stance isn't a departure from Drayner's vision for TI in the beginning. You do remember him saying this isn't a democracy and all the banter about this just being Drayner's World (which spawned a blog named that) right? Now that I think about it, Drayner was a lot more harsh than we are now.


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