24s posting in F2P poll

Donteventrii said:
24s have nothing to do with the 25-29 bracket. They play in the same bracket as 20s, and should post as such.

I agree, 20-24 is one bracket 25-29 is another
They shouldn't be in F2P either. Griefing F2P players doesn't make you a F2P player. Also, not all F2P players are level 20.

They should just break up the 20-29 into 20-24 and 25-29 like they did with 10-19. Or... there's always the option of just banning all 24s since they aren't respectable twinks anyways.
Link me one 24 thread that was made in the F2P Section that wasn't them trolling or has led to them trolling F2Ps.

If you manage to find one then I will say yes.
Mongro said:
They shouldn't be in F2P either. Griefing F2P players doesn't make you a F2P player. Also, not all F2P players are level 20.

They should just break up the 20-29 into 20-24 and 25-29 like they did with 10-19. Or... there's always the option of just banning all 24s since they aren't respectable twinks anyways.

I disagree. If you want to bring up "respectable" we should just ban everyone that plays Hunters below 50.
Mrcer said:
Link me one 24 thread that was made in the F2P Section that wasn't them trolling or has led to them trolling F2Ps.

If you manage to find one then I will say yes.

So because the mods aren't keeping up with moderation, you pass the burden on to the 29 bracket?
They should just break up the 20-29 into 20-24 and 25-29 like they did with 10-19.

I change my opinion to this. They shouldn't be here shitting up our section, nor should the 20s have to put up with it.
Donteventrii said:
I disagree. If you want to bring up "respectable" we should just ban everyone that plays Hunters below 50.
At least hunters faceroll and grief players at their level.
Let me say it like this:

F2P means trial accounts.

24s are not trial accounts.

F2P Sub-Forum was made for people with trial accounts.

F2P Sub-Forum was not made for 24s.

20-29 Thread is for anyone who is twinking @level 20-29

F2P Thread is for anyone who is twinking as a trial account or abiding to the trial account restrictions@lvl20.

Making level 24 threads in a F2P Thread does not belong there since 24s are not trial accounts.

Making level 24 threads in the 20-29 thread does belong there since 24s are not trial accounts.

Making F2P threads in the F2P Thread does belong there since they are both on the same Thread subjects.

It would be no different if someone made a thread related to 30-39s in the F2P Section. It would be locked or deleted.

Majority of the 24s who post in the F2P Section are either trolling or spamming the F2P Section, which is why the Mods are banning them. If they happen to not be trolling/spamming, the the mods will simply lock/delete the thread OR move it to the 20-29 thread.

The Mods and Adminstrators will not change this because they are not idiots. The people wanting this change will keep asking for it because they are idiots. Supporting this thread only makes you an idiot. They made the F2P Sub-Thread for a reason, and that reason was not for 24-related threads to be posted there.

Forgive me it sounds like I'm trolling, but if the mods won't say it; then I will.

EDIT: If the mods would like to add a thread specificly for 24s, then that would be fine. But 24s trolling/spamming in the F2P thread saying things like: "Your baddies, getgud, umadbruh?, ujelly?, etc" Is the fastest way to get banned. Until the mods do decide if they want to do that or not, then 24s need to be posting in the 20-29 threads, not the F2P thread; especially if it's to troll them for not having/making 24s. I am not against people having 24s, but I am against 24s trolling 20s in their own threads to charge up their ego-meter.
20-29 label is a relic from when the bracket was actually those levels.

Supporting this thread only makes you an idiot.

You suggesting that posts of players who don't even play in our bracket belong here makes you just as much of an idiot. At the very least they play in the same games as you. There is literally less reason for them to be posting here than there, with the exception of the name from back when the bracket included those players.

That said, the mods need to break it into 3: ftp, 20-24, 25-29.
Ohai said:
20-29 label is a relic from when the bracket was actually those levels.

You suggesting that posts of players who don't even play in our bracket belong here makes you just as much of an idiot. At the very least they play in the same games as you. There is literally less reason for them to be posting here than there, with the exception of the name from back when the bracket included those players.

That said, the mods need to break it into 3: ftp, 20-24, 25-29.

Regardless of what you may think, the facts stay the same. 24s spamming/trolling in the F2P threads do not belong there. Until there is a sub-forum specificly made for 24s, then you need to be posting in the 20-29 thread not the F2P thread. The mods have made that very clear to everyone and anyone who ignores what they have said is taking a straight shot to the banhammer.
20-29 was established when the bracket was 20-29. It should be changed to represent the actual brackets: 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, etc.

When those are established, there could be a sub forum for f2p. As it is, 24s should be posting in the forum for that bracket.
24s spamming/trolling in the F2P threads do not belong there.

I mean obviously the mods are free to do what they want, but I don't understand the rationale. They DO play in the same games, like it or not. If they troll, hell if ANYONE trolls, its a ticket to a banhammer. Why this would exclude constructive 24s from posting is beyond me. I assume its just easier to shove them in here.
Donteventrii said:
20-29 was established when the bracket was 20-29. It should be changed to represent the actual brackets: 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, etc.

I agree. This would solve a lot of the issues, but the mods currently have a lot on their plate atm with the new changes they are trying to make to Twinkinfo; I wouldn't be surprised if they got right on that afterwards. Or even that it's possibly one of the changes they plan on making/adding to the future Twinkinfo Forums.

All I am saying is that until they make that specific change, then 24-related threads(regardless if they are in the same bracket as F2Ps) need to stay in the 20-29 threads. F2P thread is specificly for 20s with either a trial account or is a lvl 20 P2P who is willing to follow the F2P Restrictions.

If this thread was made to convince the mods/admins to allow 24s to post in the F2P thread, then that will never happen.

If this thread was made to convince the mods/admins to allow 24s to have their own sub-thread, then your title is misleading and should be changed by a mod.

I support 24s having their own sub-thread, i don't support 24s posting in the F2P section.

EDIT: The best thing you can do is contact the adminstrators and request this. That would be the best way to communicate to them. Or make a thread that has a poll with this question:

"Should 24s have their own sub-forum just like F2Ps do?"

Option 1: Yes

Option 2: No

Obviously people will vote yes, there honestly should be no reason to say no. Then link that thread to the adminstrators and show them how many people support this idea. If they see that the 24 community wants this, then they will add that sub-thread to the 20-29 forums.
Mrcer said:
Let me say it like this:

F2P means trial accounts.

24s are not trial accounts.

F2P Sub-Forum was made for people with trial accounts.

F2P Sub-Forum was not made for 24s.

20-29 Thread is for anyone who is twinking @level 20-29

F2P Thread is for anyone who is twinking as a trial account or abiding to the trial account restrictions@lvl20.

Making level 24 threads in a F2P Thread does not belong there since 24s are not trial accounts.

Making level 24 threads in the 20-29 thread does belong there since 24s are not trial accounts.

Making F2P threads in the F2P Thread does belong there since they are both on the same Thread subjects.

It would be no different if someone made a thread related to 30-39s in the F2P Section. It would be locked or deleted.

Majority of the 24s who post in the F2P Section are either trolling or spamming the F2P Section, which is why the Mods are banning them. If they happen to not be trolling/spamming, the the mods will simply lock/delete the thread OR move it to the 20-29 thread.

Idk why it is not made already but a 20-24 sub forum and a read only F2p forum.. People who post here speak about 20s organization or BiS 20 links or a how to 20 twink w/o any mention about other F2p twink capabilities. Seriously take all the stickied posts and character links, make a read only forum that will help f2p virgins know what to do and less likely to post a question in this forum.

And i do agree most of the 24 twinks were people that have either been doing it for awhile or were dormant twinks who want to beat on new players. So do you expect most of the to be like us on this site civil minded and reasonable people who have grown out of the "i paly tink to p4wn n00bs phaces" phase. Really, some people think that twinking is just that even though it has become a very competitive and quite fun niche in this game. So like i said in the past:

Work with 24s until they have proven to be bad by either Gy farming, MF farming, Flag hawking (grabbing flag and refusing to cap). Imo that should go with 20s as well since there are very few 24s that you can probably make a list of them.
Sh@t i didn't vote before pool was closed.

And her are my 2 cents.

F2p forum was made with a specific goal in mind by the man who controls this entire bananza the same man who made this F2P Twinks: Dawn of a New Era? news.

What was his exact specific goal i cannot say, but i can guess that it has something to do with one specific point mentioned in TI Changes: Here’s the Plan news.

If one posses some degree of logic he will understand what i am saying.

So the 20-24 bracket infighting is just a side effect of administrations actions, and was not intended for, and i don't think anyone upstairs cares about the petty little differences and name calling that is going on between f2p and p2p players, they just discharge situation by closing/moving/locking threads.

All i have to say is; ppl start looking at the big picture.
I don't think the f2p twinking model should even exist. It's going to be inherently inferior than any other twinking model, and no amount of justification is going to change that. Simply put, f2p is a mockery of twinking and should be shat upon by anyone who takes twinking seriously. It isn't that difficult to come up with $15 a month + $20 for the real game. Even a McDonald's employee could do that in just a few hours of work a month.

I really don't see the point of people wanting to have a place to complain about how they are being treated unfairly in a game they don't pay for, in an environment that was never intended to be tailored specifically for them. I say get over it and move on. There are countless pvp f2p MMOs out there. Coincidentally they are all trash, but that's besides the point. Leave wow to people who don't expect a hand out, and be on your merry way.

Perhaps this will help you guys settle this once and for all: Once we get the site revamped the f2p section will be set up differently than it is currently. Until then, I'm sorry you'll just have to live with it as we're putting all our time and energy into getting the new platform up and going.

Mrcer said:
the mods currently have a lot on their plate atm with the new changes they are trying to make to Twinkinfo; I wouldn't be surprised if they got right on that afterwards. Or even that it's possibly one of the changes they plan on making/adding to the future Twinkinfo Forums

Willyshatner said:
I don't think the f2p twinking model should even exist. It's going to be inherently inferior than any other twinking model, and no amount of justification is going to change that. Simply put, f2p is a mockery of twinking and should be shat upon by anyone who takes twinking seriously. It isn't that difficult to come up with $15 a month + $20 for the real game. Even a McDonald's employee could do that in just a few hours of work a month.

I really don't see the point of people wanting to have a place to complain about how they are being treated unfairly in a game they don't pay for, in an environment that was never intended to be tailored specifically for them. I say get over it and move on. There are countless pvp f2p MMOs out there. Coincidentally they are all trash, but that's besides the point. Leave wow to people who don't expect a hand out, and be on your merry way.


dont see how this is related to 24s trolling the f2p section, Both 29s and f2p 20s dont want the immature trollish behavior of 24s and i understand that. even if there was a p2p 20-24 forum 24s would still troll the f2p forums because they are 24s.

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