24's 10 Man Arathi Basin Premade EU

I’m not flaming anything lol! This is a thread about the 20-24 bracket so I think I am entitled to have my own opinion about it :p

Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe I was in 2 BGs with you yesterday and in both of them I was mainly „afk-ing” (as you said) trying to defend the bases we had ;) I personally don’t enjoy farming so I prefer doing something useful for a change.

As for seeing this as a fun BG, cheers to you all but some of us have different opinions :) I enjoy an objective focused game,competition and teamwork.
I’m not flaming anything lol! This is a thread about the 20-24 bracket so I think I am entitled to have my own opinion about it :p

Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe I was in 2 BGs with you yesterday and in both of them I was mainly „afk-ing” (as you said) trying to defend the bases we had ;) I personally don’t enjoy farming so I prefer doing something useful for a change.

As for seeing this as a fun BG, cheers to you all but some of us have different opinions :) I enjoy an objective focused game,competition and teamwork.
Good to see a tactical opinion and yes we enjoy objective focused game,competition and teamwork just like you :) That day we were just not going for that, since we just wanted to have some different fun and relax :)
If you happen to come across some descent/competitive ally 24's premades i'd like to join in as well - if there's room of course :)
lets face it when getting farmed people always rez only like 2-3 dont rez most of the time. in US realms anyway.

Post a SS of ur camping KBs.
lul, of course u hide ur name
Thanks a lot dude :) I love a challenge and i think every twink does that. If you got the impression of us only running 5 man premades i'm sorry ;( I would love to face a 24 alliance premade! Since i'm a FC i often run battlegrounds alone. And even then i still win all almost battles while solo queueing i find it fun. I hope this bracket will rise and we will see more 24 alliance!

I think we haven't met in any battlegrounds because your in a different battle group? Dunno hope to see you ingame soon!
If you ''loved a challenge'' then you wouldn't be steamrolling the shit out of a bunch of level 20s, you hypocrite.

It's obvious what kind of player you are, the icing on the cake though, was when you said ''all in all it was a great time''. You're the kind of shitty player that should stay away from WoW PvP and stick to playing Kirby.

Oh and Tokon, I know that you think you're doing the world a favor when you roll 24 for the alliance, but let me tell you that you're not. The only way you could be doing the scene a favor is by not rolling 24 at all. Bottom line.
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Oh and Tokon, I know that you think you're doing the world a favor when you roll 24 for the alliance, but let me tell you that you're not. The only way you could be doing the scene a favor is by not rolling 24 at all. Bottom line.

I leave, another hunt replaces me, so don't be thinking I'm solely the problem. I play objectively for a start, so will be more fun to play with/against me, than a lot of other players. Don't like me being in your battlegrounds? Fine, I'll let the baddies like Sabris and Clinic fill my space. I seldom play 24 nowadays considering the whole bracket is dominated by lvl 20 QQ and 24's who don't have a clue about tactics.. It's hardly inviting, is it?
If you ''loved a challenge'' then you wouldn't be steamrolling the shit out of a bunch of level 20s, you hypocrite.

It's obvious what kind of player you are, the icing on the cake though, was when you said ''all in all it was a great time''. You're the kind of shitty player that should stay away from WoW PvP and stick to playing Kirby.

Oh and Tokon, I know that you think you're doing the world a favor when you roll 24 for the alliance, but let me tell you that you're not. The only way you could be doing the scene a favor is by not rolling 24 at all. Bottom line.

Maybe you should stick to wargames, and AP groups from this moment forward. I'm building an entire guild of 24s. Mistake me for a baddy, please!
I won't be hard to find, i'll be the 24 rocking tech at the end of my name. Lastly, idgaf about your opinion on the subject i will enjoy every second of shittin all over your 20.
I see you are a 24's hater. If i rolled a 20 and did a 10 man premade ab would that make you happy? Please stay out of my thread since you not contributing to it in any way.
I leave, another hunt replaces me, so don't be thinking I'm solely the problem. I play objectively for a start, so will be more fun to play with/against me, than a lot of other players. Don't like me being in your battlegrounds? Fine, I'll let the baddies like Sabris and Clinic fill my space. I seldom play 24 nowadays considering the whole bracket is dominated by lvl 20 QQ and 24's who don't have a clue about tactics.. It's hardly inviting, is it?
I never said that you were ''solely the problem,'' but you don't alleviate the problem, which is what you think you do.

Rest assured, if we wanted some lvl24 'hero' to 'help' us out, we'd ask for it. I don't recall asking for one though.

Maybe you should stick to wargames, and AP groups from this moment forward. I'm building an entire guild of 24s. Mistake me for a baddy, please!
I won't be hard to find, i'll be the 24 rocking tech at the end of my name. Lastly, idgaf about your opinion on the subject i will enjoy every second of shittin all over your 20.
If you crutch on lvl24 then you ARE a baddie. It's not an ''opinion,'' it's the god damn truth.

The fact of the matter is that it takes much more for me to play what I do than it does for you to play what you do. Even so, you think that we're on the same playing field? That you're just as much of a ''goodie'' as I am? Get fucking real and don't make me laugh.

I see you are a 24's hater. If i rolled a 20 and did a 10 man premade ab would that make you happy? Please stay out of my thread since you not contributing to it in any way.
Well I see that you didn't provide a counterargument to my post. That means that you don't have one.

That means that I'm right.
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