24's 10 Man Arathi Basin Premade EU

I'm not the first 24, and it seems to be a growing bracket. Sorry that you feel like the people who pay to play owe you something. Make you laugh?!?! lol nah bruv the plan is to make you rage, mission accomplished atm. We can do 19, 20, 24, 39, or 70 idgaf. Your socialist mentality of i should feel bad for rolling a 24 because you play a free 20 is flawed. I'll roll what i want and crutch how i please doesn't change the fact that if u want big boy chants you pay for the right. IDK you and could care less about your feelings bud. Get mad moar it just makes me wanna roll 9 hunters and a holy pally. Ofc you have the option as stated above to stick to wargames and ap games because pugs will not be fun for you anymore, get it?

''Envision the worst, most disgusting thing you ever saw. Multiply that by a million and that's Tech on a level 24''

fixed that for you chief
I'm not the first 24, and it seems to be a growing bracket. Sorry that you feel like the people who pay to play owe you something. Make you laugh?!?! lol nah bruv the plan is to make you rage, mission accomplished atm. We can do 19, 20, 24, 39, or 70 idgaf. Your socialist mentality of i should feel bad for rolling a 24 because you play a free 20 is flawed. I'll roll what i want and crutch how i please doesn't change the fact that if u want big boy chants you pay for the right. IDK you and could care less about your feelings bud. Get mad moar it just makes me wanna roll 9 hunters and a holy pally. Ofc you have the option as stated above to stick to wargames and ap games because pugs will not be fun for you anymore, get it?

''Envision the worst, most disgusting thing you ever saw. Multiply that by a million and that's Tech on a level 24''

fixed that for you chief
Made me rage? If I got miffed at every piece of trash that I had come across, then I wouldn't be here having this discussion with you right now.

You can't do 20. There's a reason that you chose 24, and that's cause you're too shitty to play 20.

Yeah, you don't care, you don't care. Yet, you keep trying to justify yourself as a player. I can tell that you don't like it, when I tell you that you're less than what I am.
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Made me rage? If I got miffed at every piece of trash that I had come across, then I wouldn't be here having this discussion with you right now.

You can't do 20. There's a reason that you chose 24, and that's cause you're too shitty to play 20.

Yeah, you don't care, you don't care. Yet, you keep trying to justify yourself as a player. I can tell that you don't like it, when I tell you that you're less than what I am.

This is sooo April the 1st bro, i don't even have a 24. Started one didn't finish, lost interest. Can't even finish my 20's because the damn foreman hates me 800 or so kills no pants. i was just sitting in que bored decided to start some shit.
I never said that you were ''solely the problem,'' but you don't alleviate the problem, which is what you think you do.

Rest assured, if we wanted some lvl24 'hero' to 'help' us out, we'd ask for it. I don't recall asking for one though.

Oh I'm sorry, 24's can only play if they're requested for? Lol don't make me laugh. Under geared players didn't call to the heavens for you to make a F2P twink, did they?

You're as bad as me if you play a twink yourself.

You remind me of the lecture given to me by Flipzmytoast. (Ultimately his argument was that I was a sad, low-life who enjoys griefing under geared players). He told me this one evening, whilst blissfully unaware that his lvl 20 twink hunter has exactly the same effect on every non-twink he faces.

I love reading lvl 20's getting mad about 24's.
Oh I'm sorry, 24's can only play if they're requested for? Lol don't make me laugh. Under geared players didn't call to the heavens for you to make a F2P twink, did they?

You're as bad as me if you play a twink yourself.

You remind me of the lecture given to me by Flipzmytoast. (Ultimately his argument was that I was a sad, low-life who enjoys griefing under geared players). He told me this one evening, whilst blissfully unaware that his lvl 20 twink hunter has exactly the same effect on every non-twink he faces.

I love reading lvl 20's getting mad about 24's.
I cannot be as bad as you are because I'm less OP than you are.

I also note that you've been mentioning Flipz a lot, he must've burned you pretty badly huh?
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I cannot be as bad as you are because I'm less OP than you are.

I also note that you've been mentioning Flipz a lot, he must've burned you pretty badly huh?

Cool story

Before I rolled Alliance, I really respected Flipz for being a great player. I don't base my respect on damage or kills, but how players communicate and position themselves is important, and I noticed his name in the BG chat often, picking up the flag and returning. This proves he is out there to win.

When I rolled Ally, it was nice to be greeted by lots of the people i'd played against, and it was great to know I was welcomed in, but in one BG, Flipz went super hard-mode QQ on my ass, with pretty much the same argument as you. He put me in the same bracket as the unrelenting spawn campers which ruin the game for the rest of us, which I didn't think fair, as I play for the win, and would consider myself with a completely different mindset to a majority of 24's.

The fact I had already been welcomed into the bracket by lots of players, and I had respected Flipz a lot, it was down-heartening to know that he considered me a shitty player, and resorted to the whole 'sad, no-lifer' argument. This, to me, just made him sound like a jerk, but I respected his opinion, and took a break.. I play the odd few games each week, but I realise I make the game dull/annoying for people like you. I don't play to grief.

Take a look back in history, at the reason why every single player made a twink in the past. To have an advantage. To feel god-like against the lowbies. (It then comes with the joy of gearing etc - but the main reason is the advantage) You can tell yourself 897256 times that you made a twink to face other twinks; for the 'fair games' blah blah, but the whole point twinking died in 3.2 was the majority player base couldn't faceroll anymore.

I on the other hand was one of the players making huge 29 recruitment threads, helping to coordinate IRC chats (before the days of Real ID). I was eager to continue massive twink v twink games, but the bracket just wasn't active enough and it died out. Needless to say I was/still am mega pissed off at Blizzard for ruining the game for me, and my dozens of twink friends.

So when one of my old pals told me about 24 being active, it was my opportunity to have fun once again - JUST like the old days. I made a hunter because they are the most versatile class out there to carry teams.

The argument between twinks and non-twinks, is rather like religion. You're never going to convince the other into thinking what you do. I played 20-29 bracket back in vanilla, up until the exp lock when Blizz destroyed our community, and basically every reason I played the game. You play a free version of WoW, where you have to endure bg's against 24 twinks, so I understand your hatred towards us, but I will always enjoy the game for reasons you and Flipz can't comprehend.

p.s I cba to talk about this anymore. I feel like some kind of twink evangelist, wasting time talking to a brick wall most of the time.
The 24 march 2012 the 24's of EU made some history, we got the first non-wargame 10 man premade. We had been trying to figure out a way to get our two groups full of 24's in the same Arathi Basin for the ab weekend. When we decided to just queue at the exact same time and hope for the best. The result was successful and we got both group into the same Arathi Basin. This of course meant 1600-0 victory for the horde and a massive slaughter at the end. I would like to thank Ganymede and Razore for coordinating the groups so well and for taking the initiative to make two full 5 man groups. I recorded all of our games and made a video of it as you can see below. We would also thank all the f2p's of EU for continue-sly queueing for Arathi Basin even though they we're getting wrecked. All in all it was a great time and the best thing we're to feel the smell of victory and some dead alliance!


Thanks for the video dude, a perfect show of what 24s are (most of them anyway) , the video showcases what you guys are all about^^ .fair and balanced games(cough) . as for skillful moments?(1v1s,1v2s, outnumbered clutch situations,skilled highlights...) is it just me!? or there´s absolutely NONE!!? oh my bad ,there's ofc that part when you guys all bunched up in enemy base stomping on half geared ,unbuffed, and ,at all times ,outnumbered f2ps.
i could go on and on about 24s and they'r mentality in this braket.(most of them ,that is)but the video is worth a million words ,and has music to it too:cool: anyway thanks for the video .to me it is simply priceless .

ps: to Kilda ,aka Tokon: tell me m8 , after watching this incredibly skilled video ,tell me you don't feel a little bit embarassed for being a part of this " 24s community ".honestly?? i know i would man.
And in all honesty i feel sad that players like you, are hopelessly put in the same bag as these unskilled scrubs,oops) i meant PROS. if it makes you feel any better i can distinguish an objective good player ,from a pure gy farmer ,without a clue about strategies or skill play in general . and i would be honored to play with ,or against you ,if ,on a legit f2p .more chalenging?yes.
but at least it is legit.and afterall, free :)
roll a 20 "roophus" m8:) i could use the backup ,sometimes:eek: ,+ real players will respect you a ton more. peace

All in all it was a great time and the best thing we're to feel the smell of victory and some dead alliance!

best regards
I discovered this thread today, and i read it almost all.

Its great that 24s choosed Hunter,Pally mainly... they knew what they were going for.
But that video really shows what "most" 24s are all about.
Poor Kilda getting drag into this, rolling 24 is fun cuz u can do alot of things alone without having to wait 10min for mid farmers to come efc.
But u know what is even more fun? when u get a team full of good 20s and own some 24s.

Anyone can roll 24, its in their rights cuz after all its 20-24 bracket... but if u roll lvl24 pls play objectively,we dont need to see ur gy farming skillz.

Great Thread. :)
So you roll 24 twink and say you like challenge... If you really like challenges, make a F2P Account and roll warlock!
roll a 20 "roophus" m8:) i could use the backup ,sometimes:eek: ,+ real players will respect you a ton more. peace
I made 2 20 f2ps on my p2p account and still got your bullcraptalk in bg. I believe you are lying and the hatred towards the player will always exist because you simply think this is your game and are to self centered.

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