I will be making a 24 healer soon. And would like to know all of your opinions on this. I will not be choosing a Restoration Druid or Priest due to the facts that my main (90) is Restoration Druid and they are both just too overpowered that it's not even fun! I would personally like if you added pros and cons to your choice on the matter, but it is fine if you do not! Also, a best in slot Armory/Masked Armory would be well-appreciated with your chosen class.
Holy Paladin;
Pros - (What are the pros of rolling Holy Paladin?)
Cons - (What are the cons of rolling Holy Paladin?)
Mistweaver Monk;
Pros - (What are the pros of rolling Mistweaver Monk?)
Cons - (What are the cons of rolling Mistweaver Monk?)
Restoration Shaman;
Pros - (What are the pros of rolling Restoration Shaman?)
Cons - (What are the cons of rolling Restoration Shaman?)
Holy Paladin;
Pros - (What are the pros of rolling Holy Paladin?)
Cons - (What are the cons of rolling Holy Paladin?)
Mistweaver Monk;
Pros - (What are the pros of rolling Mistweaver Monk?)
Cons - (What are the cons of rolling Mistweaver Monk?)
Restoration Shaman;
Pros - (What are the pros of rolling Restoration Shaman?)
Cons - (What are the cons of rolling Restoration Shaman?)