[24] <Controlled Chaos> Spirestone - Alliance, US

<Controlled Chaos> ? That guild looks more like <Chaos is out of control>
Glad to announce we have found our priest! A well established player from the 19 bracket, welcome DCM! Recruitment for the core team is now closed, however we are always looking for more members interested in doing daily groups and wargames!
Glad to announce we have found our priest! A well established player from the 19 bracket, welcome DCM! Recruitment for the core team is now closed, however we are always looking for more members interested in doing daily groups and wargames!

Thank you, and I am glad you accecpted my application that I PM'd to you, and I will be happily transferring over soon. Take care and I hope to que with you guys soon. :)
I just had to clear out A LOT of trash from this thread. The point of this thread is to try to get admitted into the guild and ask questions relating to it.

If you have a problem with GY-farmers or 24's, this is not to place to complain about it. If you are sincerely worried about GY-farming, try to PM another member of the guild or the original poster and talk about it in a private manner. I do not want more people to argue about this topic as it only results in flaming and trolling.

Furthermore, if you feel someone is throwing negative remarks about this thread or going off-topic, please hit the report button. That helps a lot.

Yours sincerely,
I just had to clear out A LOT of trash from this thread. The point of this thread is to try to get admitted into the guild and ask questions relating to it.

If you have a problem with GY-farmers or 24's, this is not to place to complain about it. If you are sincerely worried about GY-farming, try to PM another member of the guild or the original poster and talk about it in a private manner. I do not want more people to argue about this topic as it only results in flaming and trolling.

Furthermore, if you feel someone is throwing negative remarks about this thread or going off-topic, please hit the report button. That helps a lot.

Yours sincerely,

Controlled Chaos.
Just had a few good games against you guys good work :) Both were very close. They won then we won.
Is this guild dead now? Controlled Chaos Controlled Chaos Controlled Chaos Controlled Chaos Controlled Chaos
Why lack of activity ? It looks like only faith is active and maybe, maybe 2 others. 10 members Out of 16 haven't even logged or done 1 thing. Roster - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

The guild is premade orientated, most players only log on if we're having scheduled synced games, since those are the only games worth logging on for.
Pugs get rather boring after the 1st faceroll game.
Pub stomping isnt fun, we play competitively. We still are here.
If someone challenges us we will be there.
So not dead.

I wonder why nobody will challenge you. You should change ur guild name to Controlled Consumables. Making hundreds of rules in 5v5s that only allow your team to win or have the edge from the start. I'd like to play you in a 10v10, oh, you don't have a 10v10 team :(. Controlled Chaos is a hit and run guild. They only play if they know they are going to win. They are turning into the Pizzas of the 24 bracket. I'm dissapointed they don't do pugs, theyd give us Horde an easy win once we cap once and theyd all afk out in fear of a loss.
We also foster good relationships with other guilds of both factions and promote getting premade vs. premades. That can happen because we are not insulting them and making it personal


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