[24] <Controlled Chaos> Spirestone - Alliance, US

Character Name/Server: Myaahh Spirestone Horde

Armory Link:
Myaahh @ Spirestone - Game Guide - World of Warcraft No boas but if get accepted I will have full Boas as soon as i xfer

Times/Days available for premading: Weekends, Nights monday-sunday

Spec you're applying to play for the guild: Disc or Holy

Picture of UI:
http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/027/3/f/wow_ui_by_evandamastah-d387ix2.jpg My ui is the same although its not my toon

Why you want to be in <CC>: Because I feel I meet up with your standards, plus I'm looking for a competitave area of 24 Twinking to play. Im interested in 5v5s Wargames, BGs etc.
Character Name/Server: Myaahh Spirestone Horde

Armory Link:
Myaahh @ Spirestone - Game Guide - World of Warcraft No boas but if get accepted I will have full Boas as soon as i xfer

Times/Days available for premading: Weekends, Nights monday-sunday

Spec you're applying to play for the guild: Disc or Holy

Picture of UI:
http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/027/3/f/wow_ui_by_evandamastah-d387ix2.jpg My ui is the same although its not my toon

Why you want to be in <CC>: Because I feel I meet up with your standards, plus I'm looking for a competitave area of 24 Twinking to play. Im interested in 5v5s Wargames, BGs etc.

1. Your gear should be as close to the following chardevs as possible, BiS Gear Sets. (If you have a question regarding gear choices, please PM either myself or Kratos)

Aw our thread got moved
Nah scrap that. CC is one of the worst guilds I've ever seen. They are rude, elitist dick heads who only care about their eppens. They go around derailing other guild's recruitment threads saying "Join us! Join us!" Not to mention Nick or FC in the guild Posting nude pics of a female guildy on TI for everyone to see. These people may seem to play well on their toons, however they are terrible at being, people. They take twinking way to seriously, there is no fun, BB is a rager who kicks people who don't comply with his petty rulings, i've experienced that first hand.
Sure, they have the best geared players but does that really mean they are the best?

Same thing that happened with EPlC on Horde side. BB and Gay destroyed the guild and turned a 24 twinking guild into an RBG guild for 85s. Theres no saying what could happen a second time.

That is all.


P.S. I'm not butthurt, I just feel people should know what this guild is doing to the bracket.

I'm sorry to hear you're displeased with our guild, I'm sure you'll be able to find a loving home at either <Sanctuary> or <Horde Invasion> though!
Oh and I was also talking to ur OWN MEMBERS the ones that were on.. only 2... No and Faith are BOTH displeased with the officers and GMs etc. of the guild.
Nah scrap that. CC is one of the worst guilds I've ever seen. They are rude, elitist dick heads who only care about their eppens. They go around derailing other guild's recruitment threads saying "Join us! Join us!" Not to mention Nick or FC in the guild Posting nude pics of a female guildy on TI for everyone to see. These people may seem to play well on their toons, however they are terrible at being, people. They take twinking way to seriously, there is no fun, BB is a rager who kicks people who don't comply with his petty rulings, i've experienced that first hand.
Sure, they have the best geared players but does that really mean they are the best?

Same thing that happened with EPlC on Horde side. BB and Gay destroyed the guild and turned a 24 twinking guild into an RBG guild for 85s. Theres no saying what could happen a second time.

That is all.


P.S. I'm not butthurt, I just feel people should know what this guild is doing to the bracket.

Oh, the irony.

You know, I understand you have such a strong opinion about this, but just because you didn't meet certain requirements doesn't mean you have to go ham and try to <insert bolded text here>. All they were asking you to do is gear with BoA and then they will test your character out. I really see nothing wrong with such a thing.

Also, please keep recruitment on topic! Thanks!
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Summary Page 11

Randomtrasheplayer - Hey guize can i join ur guilde
Themanincharge - maybe once u get geard kind sir
Randomtrasheplayer - ill haz gewd gearz soon as u let me in ur guilde i promises plz plz ill suck on ur pp
Themanincharge - im sorry but u must be geard and go through a few trial wsg to join our ranks
Randomtrasheplayer - trial wsg... damn im too trashe to get in if i have to do trial wsg... quick time to talk bad about the guild i just got denied from but im not mad brb /rant /cry /emo /cut wrist
Themanincharge - im sorry sir plz check out one of the other guilds
Randomtrasheplayer - *when all else fails comment on grammer and call them names!*

Lith - *zips pants* this guys legit u should invite him

Looks like Christmas.
Except the fail when you thought i even had pants on!
Everyone knows I play nude man, get your street cred up and you might have known that :X
I personally made sure Tempo went through the application process with me, don't you worry.

So you allow GY farmers in your guild?
and not the one guy who clearly didn't have his BoA's on his twink when he last logged out?
rofl your're trying to bee all legit with ur grammar n shit. We all know ur an elitist aswell Gay.
Whats wrong with typing proper english and using correct grammar?
Its not like typing is hard -_-

Oh and I was also talking to ur OWN MEMBERS the ones that were on.. only 2... No and Faith are BOTH displeased with the officers and GMs etc. of the guild.
No is a huge troll <3

They go around derailing other guild's recruitment threads saying "Join us! Join us!" Not to mention Nick or FC in the guild Posting nude pics of a female guildy on TI for everyone to see.
First, we wouldn't EVER do that. We dont want random garbage joining our guild. If they were good they would come to us.
Also I do feeel bad about the second one. :/ I cant ever erase from those peoples mind her horrible body. It was so nasty.
I should of never done it.
4Chan seemed to like her photos better though.
So you allow GY farmers in your guild?
and not the one guy who clearly didn't have his BoA's on his twink when he last logged out?
We dont give a fuck if a GY farmer joins the guild, as long as they can step up and play spectacular in premades.

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