24 BM Hunters

You clearly aren't aware of the vast complexity one experiences while playing a 20-24 BM hunter.
I actually do play a 24 hunter myself. However, I seem to have failed to discover this complexity.

i had over 40 keybinds on my 85 hunter. without this razer naga shit, standard keyboard and mouse.
That doesn't explain how a level 20 hunter has more binds than one has room for unless you bind every ability and macro to 5 or more keys.
I actually do play a 24 hunter myself. However, I seem to have failed to discover this complexity.

That doesn't explain how a level 20 hunter has more binds than one has room for unless you bind every ability and macro to 5 or more keys.

clearly your taking what im saying literally, which is a mistake on your behalf.

3 pet control macros, 2 RoS macros, 3 stop cast macros, 4 focus macros, etc etc. i do this to fully utilize my hunter to a style i prefer.
Don't forget that aimed shots and explosive shots will become stronger as lv 24 also tho :p

I wanted to take back what I said about being a hunt longer as I meant in this bracket but you already got me quoted so I'll leave it lol.

I guess what me and juno0 are trying to say iron that yes BM hunts are viable and still do well as well as the other specs now as well. It's not like cata where one spec has a clear advantage in everything. If you want CC then BM is definitely the best spec obviously but if you want dps I'd say MM and SV are alittle better

All i needed to know, cheers ;)
@junoo. do you play eu 20s? and could you pm me how the hell i get on the us sever now
add james@sun-spray.co.uk for real on eu mate ./care who knows my real

ahh cheers mate, i'll add when i login

OT: lil, are ppl actually letting you cast aimed shot at them? cuz i wouldn't blow a pet stun or scatter for an AS unless it was a 100% kill
That could certainly go some distance toward explaining most spriests' ineptitude.
Hey all, I've decided to start 24 twinkling and make a Orc BM Hunter. I have all the boas besides trinkets. And already have all the enchants I need including brawlers gloves with 15 agil.

Do you guys have any tips? I'm only level like 11 ATM but ill be 24 in no time. Anyways any tips are appreciated. :)
CC hunters are honestly the funniest class to play. requires more keybinds than you have room for.
keybind and macro heavily and you'll have 3 buttons to worry about for dps, burst, and cds.
Umm I'm purely talking about 20s atm as I haven't done any or seen any testing on 24s but SV can put out just as much dps as MM can. Aimed shots definitely crit WELL over 360. I get around 800 on clothies and like 400 on plate/mail as a trial so 24s that are MM should be able to do around 400 more on both.

BM is the worst spec dps wise but by far the best CC wise as normally a BM will always run with a pet that can CC as well while SV and MM have more choices.

Not trying to be rude but I've had a hunt well before you and I'm pretty sure I'm up to date with the MoP changes.

you will prob crit more because of your lvl and how stats scale i no back when my hunter was 19 i used to have 45-50ish % (i cant exactly remember) and about 30ish when i hit 24.

Iron, hunters are in a nice place atm 24 wise in terms of balance (pls dont troll me :3) compared to cata but youll struggle if u cant burst something down quick that can heal (and it can dmg) and you cant really take on a pack of 5+ like i used to on my hunter in cata without a healer :p
It is always funny to see people equate a 3 second stun on 60 second cooldown to "CC hunter".

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