20s F2P achivments, fishing and more.

What is your definition for fun in Wow?

  • PVP

    Votes: 8 21.6%
  • PVE

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • RP

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • FARM

    Votes: 4 10.8%
  • All

    Votes: 17 45.9%

  • Total voters


Generally i want to ask your ideas of what can we do f2p with our 20lvl twinks other than PVP and gear up. In my case i farm some of the world events (even the micro ones i think they are the best) and with farm i mean that i gather some pets, mounts and achievements. I do the Anglers rep for strider and soon when i find time and resub i will buy it immediately. Soo I want to know your ideas of farms, reputations to gain, also questlines and so on. Any idea can help. 10x a lot!
I like to farm achievements on my f2p.

There are ofc achievements that include stuff like collecting 150 mounts, collecting 250 unique pets, or get 70 exlated reputations, so I do a bit of pet, mount, and rep farming too.
Eventually when I get all possible achievements, I will go for more of a general completionist.

I also like to farm gear so I can be be good when I play bgs with the bois.
I'm a big fan of a little of all of it. I enjoy arena skirms and the occasional BG evening with the boys.

I like collecting but for me, its not so much about hitting a certain collection size or achievement but rather getting pets/toys/stuff I think are cool. I could give a fuck about mounts but I do like acquiring all available recipes for a given profession. No real rhyme or reason to that preference though.

I enjoy a relaxing farming session. TF used to run sunday morning Farm And Chill seshs, looking forward to getting that going again.

I even have a little RP backstory in my head for my F2P because I think it adds a bit to that characters growth but I dont actively RP in game (weirdos) and I dont worry about it for any of my other twinks.

F2P just lets me tick all those boxes while feeling like I actually did it in game and not just camped the AH for stuff or qued into an instance simulator.
paying for a second account to help your f2p kinda ruins its purpose imo...

I would say that it’s on the same level as begging for boost, someone still has to pay that money to blizzard. You are also still getting the same kind of help.

Only difference is that more people will hate you, cuz having someone asking for boosts or help 24/7 gets annoying.
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I would say that it’s on the same level as begging for boost, someone still has to pay that money to blizzard. You are also still getting the same kind of help.

Only difference is that more people will hate you, cuz having someone asking for boosts or help 24/7 gets annoying.

@Cristi ;)

how can u say no to that……:p
Tnx for all answers! If someone wants to play 20f2p or share ideas DM me.
Tnx for all answers! If someone wants to play 20f2p or share ideas DM me.
And also can i get exalted rep for the ice mammoths in the storm peaks with f2p toon?
Sory for double reply xD

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