20 Twinks <<WARGAMES>> hosted OVER 600 games now! <Golden Twinkies> EVENT <<BEGINNER'S NIGHT>> 03/21 @10pm est | WARGAME RULE UPDATES FOR PATCH 11.1


MOD | GM of Golden Twinkies | CoLead of Twinkcraft
"Bringing Back the Golden Era of Twinking"


(Sick of pugging?? Tired of the 1 shot meta? Come really have skill in PvP!)

In Golden Twinkies we strive for wargames where skill and team-play make the difference between victory and defeat! To achieve that, we use gear requirements to create a meta that's balanced; with very few, if any, one-shot kills. We hope to bring excitement and energy back into the bracket by providing a place where 20's cannot only be free from 29 tyranny, but learn, live, and thrive! If you want a taste of what wargames are like with the Golden Twinkies, check out my Twitch VoDs, or Resto's YouTube!


General Wargame Rules:
  • Join Voice Chat! You don't need to say anything if you don't want to, but you do need to hear your teammates!
  • Heirloom PvP trinket is required.
  • Follow the Class/spec specific rules available on Discord.
  • Example of a wargame ready flag carrying Druid: lifê.
  • All rules are subject to change as game updates come out, as well as when imbalanced specs make themselves clear week-to-week.
    • Every Wednesday, starting at 9pm eastern.
    • As many games as we can late into the night.
    • Warsong Gulch only.
      • Every third Friday of the month after 3/22, starting at 10pm eastern.
      • Come Learn Warsong Gulch fundamentals like callouts, strategy, team composition and more!
      • Starts with a Warsong Gulch class and split practice, ends with practice wargames.
      • Evoker and MM hunter are banned for beginner's nights.
      • Every other Friday, starting at 9pm eastern.
      • As many games as we can late into the night.
      • Solo shuffle 3v3's
      • Random arena maps
      • Every other-other Friday, starting 9pm eastern.
      • As many games as we can late into the night.
      • Shadowlands Gems are allowed.
      • Warsong Gulch only.
    • Every Saturday, starting at 9pm eastern.
    • As many games as we can late into the night.
    • Starts with up-to 4 Arathi Basin, then Warsong the rest of the night.

Check out our most recent Wargames!
Join Our Discord for All Event Notifications and G-invites!
Guild Community DiscordPublic Community for 20 Twink Wargames
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very based life, I am hoping to join and play some games after I deal with some irl shenanigans.
Cant wait i miss you!
I'm already on Discord, but since I don't know the language at all I still don't understand some things, but on Saturday if I see them playing I'll go in to see if I'm lucky enough to join them!!
I want to, but the language and sometimes the work don't let me Y.Y
At least I go in to see them play when you put the live :)
I want to, but the language and sometimes the work don't let me Y.Y
At least I go in to see them play when you put the live :)
We’re an open community! We don’t judge communication and if anyone ever were to have an issue with that. Come to me and be on my team and I’ll stomp them for you <3
Updated rules balances have been applied. stay tuned for more updates when the War Within Drops
<Golden Twinkies> Recruiting tons more 20 twinks for our inhouse wargames on Saturday nights! Come join the largest twink guild in the game and party with us!! Needing all 20 twinks! https://discord.gg/guildgoldentwinkies
played some yesterday, they were chill
would recommend more people try them
tysm for the support it really helps our guild and teams grow stronger and keeps the bracket alive
Had over 30 twinks theory crafting and meta testing for our weekly wargaming events! Couldn’t have done it without XPOff! Tysm!
what's your main language?
English isn't my first either, I feel your struggle but everyone has been really nice with me c:
he speaks Spanish, so do I, I also have a small twink community, but they are not very active.
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he speaks Spanish, so do I, I also have a small twink community, but they are not very active.
Ahhh nmms yo también!!!!! Jajajaj
En la guild de Life hacen generalmente Wargames en nivel 20, pero son buenas personas y también tienen otras actividades más sociales (aunque sí, todo es en inglés)... deberían unirse si quieren jugar 20s c: son bastante activos...

¿Acaso son parte del grupo de QT que tenían Dimitri, Bruce y ellos? Es que yo jugaba hace añísimos pero me retiré y apenas volví :'(
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