twink 20

  1. Embu

    20 years of World of Warcraft - Photo of the year!

    To celebrate the 20th anniversary of WoW, we're organising THE photo of the year! :D 1 - First picture in front of Orgrimmar, second in front of Stormwind 2 - A group photo in the shape of ‘20’ in the Gurubashi arena 3 - End of the event with PvP battles in the arena While Embu...
  2. Pinja

    20 bis list?

    I know it’s still early on in the patch, but does anyone have a bis list that everyone should be aware of for 20s? Mainly trying to see what I need to upgrade:
  3. Life

    20 Twinks <<WAR(Within)GAMES>> hosted OVER 550 games now! <Golden Twinkies> NEW EVENT <<BEGINNER'S NIGHT>> 03/22

    WAR(WITHIN)GAMES | GOLDEN TWENTIES OUTREACH | EVENT ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR 20'S "Bringing the Golden Era to twinking" _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WEDNESDAY'S // SATURDAY'S: <<War Within...
  4. Level 20 monk solo dungeons Help needed

    Hello there i have been seeing people talk about soloing dungeons at level 20 i understand it takes a little longer than on a level 10 but my monk is item lvl 72 and i can't even kill the first 2 mobs in slag mines by myself. i have tried healer spec for more dps but i die fast and then i have...
  5. Cataclysm Enchanting

    Can anyone tell me if it is possible to lvl up cata enchanting since I cant enter any dungeons. If it is I would really appreciate if anyone could let me know how to do it. I just want to get to cata enchanting 20 to see if an enchant works for twinking at lvl 20
  6. 20 or 19, doubt of someone coming back to twink

    I'm returning to twinking, and I would like to know from you guys, which bracket is more popular now after the shadowlands lvl squish? Since now thanks for the attention.