20 Twink Solo Druid Classic Dungeonmaster Run completed!

very sick dude, def jammal and baroness are the most annoying hurdles because of the mind control mechanics.
Do u know a way to beat jammal? I have beaten baroness by killing her from more than 30 yards so she couldn't control me (which is 30 yard casting range).
It is with great pleasure that I can announce I have completed running every single dungeon on my 20 Twink in the Classic Dungeonmaster solo! For this run I decided to run with druid, as I felt it had what it took to complete the challenge! Below I have included a write up of my thoughts on the run, and will put up some screen shots of some of the achvs and my armory for this charcter. I completed almost every dungeon in the last 60 hours (as of the time I wrote this).Sadly I did not get the Spiffy "Classic Dungeon Master" pop up on this toon since I am playing on the same account as my Paladin. This particular twink was my old 20 pvp twink from BFA that I decided to level up and complete this challenge with :).

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I will put my write up in the next post!
Question: Wouldn't bramble + Naga hide be a solid option for this??
@Radoon Of course my man. Back when I did this challenge we were still thinking they might get around to nerfing the item as they did with other drops from other mobs in that area, but it never happened. I wrote about the efficiency of the combo (and dependency) in the monk challenge I did afterwards. I chose to do the challenge without the overpowered weapon/combo to test the legitimacy of the classes solo power. I didn't even bother using the artifact weapon. If you read the PVE guide I wrote I would go so far as to say druid could be a solid A tier with the combo! If I only knew then what I know now haha :). Thanks for scoping the guide man, happy hunting!

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