20 pop on aerie peak full to capacity

Orebrb said:
And all this time i thought that AP twinks were excited that they achieved something that no other bracket ever achieved which is to get majority to all competition to one server to really see how good you are :). Just saying 19's have been trying to do that for quite some time and would kill to have it, just ironic how you guys are trying to rid the idea now

One mans trash really is another mans treasure xD

Because one post = 1 Billion people, so this thread is atleast all of the 20 twinks on AP. I couldn't care less about AGM. The AP 20 community is very social and having fun while waiting for bg's is more important than a trinket.

In reply to an earlier poster, the problem isn't 20's are taking all the chests, but a couple of twat 85's who find it funny to harass and try to farm the 20's in the arena. Sometimes there are a few 85's and they decide to fight eachother.. like watching two vanilla resto druids fight.. nothing happens for 35 mins. Would be funny if it wasn't so sad
leotseddap said:
Howcome obtaining agm is so important compared to create 1 f2p twink community server where hardly anyone has it? You should see agm as a nice extra not as a thing you need to have to function properly.

And before you tell me, "you got agm allready" yes i do but i hardly play that toon.

Coming from someone who probably already has AGM, it make no sense.

I'm not playing 20s, but I wouldn't want to play a class I couldn't BiS out.
Then give it a few months. There's only a queue now because everyone is rolling new characters at the same time. It's not like you need an AGM to play, and for organised war games their use could be banned completely along with BoAs, to allow more people to join in at the same level. If you want to build a community you make it easy for people to join in, you don't put hurdles in the way, like making them grind certain items of gear to feel they're at the same level as everyone else.

By all means get your BoAs and AGMs if you like farming 24 bads. You won't need them for war games. Hell, if the referee addon works well enough, we could all do war games in white gear. That would really fix the burst problems (and 'uniforms' for each class could even fix class imbalance).
Roll wherever you want. But if you want to play WSG/AB/Arena Wargames you gotta be at AP.
Yasueh said:
Hell, if the referee addon works well enough, we could all do war games in white gear. That would really fix the burst problems (and 'uniforms' for each class could even fix class imbalance).

How many more rules are you going to create?

I fear the 20s war games will end up being only warlocks in greens, everying else is banned "for a healthier bracket"
Hardc0re said:
How many more rules are you going to create?

I fear the 20s war games will end up being only warlocks in greens, everying else is banned "for a healthier bracket"

the non-bads who rolled 20s to pvp for free are a lot more interested in, you know, actual wow pvp.

once you start playing 20 pug BGs, you'll feel the same way.
Hardc0re said:
Unbalanced as hell, bursting, 1-shotting...

You are already playing actual wow pvp aren't you? It was never balanced.

no, sorry. we all like to make exaggerations and jokes about how poorly blizzard balanced pvp in this game over the years.

no twink bracket or max level arena season was ever as imbalanced to the extent that hunters and rogues are at 20. no twink bracket or max level arena season ever had players as unbelievably bad as the ones that play these imbalanced classes in this bracket. it's just a fact.

war games are a way to get rid of these horrendous game-ruining bads and play fun BG matches where we can control for the gamebreaking leather dps classes.
C O T U S said:
war games are a way to get rid of these horrendous game-ruining bads and play fun BG matches where we can control for the gamebreaking leather dps classes.

I'm sure you can, but you guys won't be playing world of warcraft, you'll be playing another game with another set of rules, and will QQ everytime something beats you. to the point where you'll all roll warlocks (only affliction, everything else is too bursty for this bracket), you can only wear greens (no blues and BoAs plz) and can only be the same race (human is OP!). All for balance purposes.

TLDR: Just play the game the way it is. If the game is really bad, don't play it, or roll a f2p 19.

If it's still bad, stop playing the game, because the game sux, and play a good game instead.

It's simple, no need to make a bible with golden rules for the bracket. You'll end up only pointing at yourselves screaming "HE'S WEARING ITEM XYZ! HE'S ROLLING CLASS X! DON'T PLAY WITH HIM!!!!11!1!!"
no, that's just stupid, and obviously not what we're getting at.

if you don't want to play wargames, don't join. simple as that
Bankbeauty said:
Coming from someone who probably already has AGM, it make no sense.

I'm not playing 20s, but I wouldn't want to play a class I couldn't BiS out.

Like i said, i have agm on my rogue, you dont have to question that. But the environment we play in, 1 out of 100 people has an agm, maby even more. If you think you need 1 to be competative you are wrong. Also it is not like you will never get agm, eventually you will be bis but it takes some time. And who says a twink has to be bis to be competative in any bracket? I have the feeling you can only have fun when you are Bank and that is making no sense.
leotseddap said:
Like i said, i have agm on my rogue, you dont have to question that. But the environment we play in, 1 out of 100 people has an agm, maby even more. If you think you need 1 to be competative you are wrong. Also it is not like you will never get agm, eventually you will be bis but it takes some time. And who says a twink has to be bis to be competative in any bracket? I have the feeling you can only have fun when you are Bank and that is making no sense.

Well, if I had to chose, I'd rather be able to get BiS in the next month rather then in the next century.

Btw, BiS=/=Competitive. I don't recall saying that.

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