20 pop on aerie peak full to capacity

Burning Blade, US. Go. I got a high level Pally on Horde and will roll a DK for Ally there to help F2Ps and P2Ps out on.

Howcome obtaining agm is so important compared to create 1 f2p twink community server where hardly anyone has it? You should see agm as a nice extra not as a thing you need to have to function properly.

And before you tell me, "you got agm allready" yes i do but i hardly play that toon.
I do agree that getting AGM is like the icing on the cake, same with BoAs. You'll eventually get them.

If you really want to go for AGM by going on a server with no competition for the chest, go for it. I'll be on AP and I have a character on Burning Blade on my P2P account if you go there.

Nohealsforju said:
Duskwood. i am not lying only 1-3 85s and random levelers go for AGM across the day i being a 1337 PvPer can help get AGM. I also have friends who love to fight!

im gonna roll a char there later tonight, ill update with the name
i friended all of em, the chars name is Mediq. idk how often ill play him because im trying to grind boas on my Sham atm
I've tossed out the idea of creating a lvl 20 p2p guild that would fund those that want to play 20s on p2p accounts, like myself. Before anyone gets their panties in knots we would play fair with f2p 20s. Ofc this idea has to be desirable for other like-minded twinks. If interested, please let me know. If not, no bigs as I've got enough to keep me busy w/o starting a guild. XD


Edit: I should add that this guild would be a high lvl guild making it easy to lvl up new twinks and if the guild is on one of my servers I've got a vast amount of resources and an 85.
So wait, most of the people who show up for their AGMs on Aerie Peak aren't even high level people? Are they mostly just people trying to get AGM for their twinks?
I think is a horrible idea go to other server because of a trinket...


And if yours gameplay depends only to have +12 Stamina and absortion of 750 to 1250 damage by 20 seconds? If it is, roll a multi-box with 3 hunters and a priest.

And please if anyone want to start a guild to P2P 20´s with F2P limitations, please count with me!
Grody1 said:
Please consider choosing a new realm to populate for all new 20s. Agm is currently unobtainable on AP and there is really no need for more 20s on it. If a new server is selected it will get populated quite quickly aswell. Please comment.

And all this time i thought that AP twinks were excited that they achieved something that no other bracket ever achieved which is to get majority to all competition to one server to really see how good you are :). Just saying 19's have been trying to do that for quite some time and would kill to have it, just ironic how you guys are trying to rid the idea now

One mans trash really is another mans treasure xD
Grody1 said:
Please consider choosing a new realm to populate for all new 20s. Agm is currently unobtainable on AP and there is really no need for more 20s on it. If a new server is selected it will get populated quite quickly aswell. Please comment.

no, holy shit no. why wasn't this thread just straight up deleted?

getting AGM on twink that's on a free trial account just does not matter. i have zero plans to get AGM on any of my 20s. if you're one of those creepy people who needs to have perfect gear in a videogame, just roll your *OWN* toon on a different server and get AGM. don't tell other people to stay away.

it's way more important to get as many 20s as possible on the same server so we can queue for wargames and arenas.

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