EU+US 20 or 29 for BFA.

id start asking blizz for trial only bg’s now before your feels get hurt to the point all you do is duel levellers in goldshire. trial 100’s get 7 days of play, 20 tards should have a shelflife as well.

But then what bracket would you play?
id start asking blizz for trial only bg’s now before your feels get hurt to the point all you do is duel levellers in goldshire. trial 100’s get 7 days of play, 20 tards should have a shelflife as well.
I've been in this bracket for 7+ years, haven't really had much issues with try hard 29s. Doubt that will change much. Nothing that a good team of 20s can't take care of.
dont 100s get their own bgs? at least in legion. would be great if 20s do too

29s wouldnt know what to do with themselves. They'd be tearing off their hair rolling around in circles on the floor making weird noices and shit. It'd be too big a risk on blizzards part; Its like taking the toy away from a mentally ill child.

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