f2p restricted monk is basically the same as f2p rogue, just use mcgowens loom mace instead of daggers for WW/BM and MW is the same as Rdruid.
you can find these armories in the f2p top 100 thingy thread.
This is more or less what I'd shoot for: chardev 10 - Mist of Pandaria - BETA
Last thing.. does anyone know of any cool / interesting tricks to pull with roll? The ability makes me feel like I can pull demonic leap-style jumps. I couldn't find one, but I'm betting there's got to be a video out there of WSG tricks with roll.
Thanks for the help everybody!
Couple of questions — why did you choose to go for Shadowfang Spaulders over a BoA option? Is the 4 crit and stam really worth giving up some agi? I guess same question between Smelting Pants and Hogger's / Leggings of the Fang. Edit: Also, Feet of the Lynx are now > Standard Issue due to scaling, just a heads up
Also, why in the hell is there not a 55 honor insignia trinket for monks!? Whose bright idea was that?
Last thing.. does anyone know of any cool / interesting tricks to pull with roll? The ability makes me feel like I can pull demonic leap-style jumps. I couldn't find one, but I'm betting there's got to be a video out there of WSG tricks with roll.
Thanks for the help everybody!
So what changes for BM? And suggestions on pre-boa weps? Really enjoying my monk btw, thanks for all the help — this has definitely the most clueless I've been in WoW for a long time.
Yeah, it's a super fun class. I'd highly recommend leveling one for real too. My monk is the only thing that really gets me playing 90 consistently.
Axe of the Enforcer might actually be BiS now, definitely is the best you can get pre-BoA. If for some strange reason you don't feel like spending a soul-crushing amount of time in BFD, Darkwater Talwar is a decent option.
Monk abilities scale based on weapon DPS, weapon speed doesn't make a significant difference.
Biggest gearing change for Brewmaster is that Clash relies on spell hit. BrM can do some decent damage too, but you'd probably be better off gearing more for survivability and focusing on your CC. Not too much other than that, even at 90 the two specs use very similar gear.
I updated the chardev a bit as I've thought about it. The FSK landing/slow can be dodged and parried (had forgotten about that before, thanks SallyG!) so the expertise on Foreman's Gloves is handy to have. I'd probably only recommend them if you have AGM to offset the squishiness though. WTB meaningful resil again.
I wont bore you with numbers/math on weapons (especially when i'm only like 85% sure I figured it out), but 1 MH weapon DPS is about equivalent to 14 AP (in terms of blackout kick/fists of fury damage, at least). In BGs, Axe of the Enforcer over the BoA mace would work out more or less to 9 AP vs. 1 stam/2 crit/2 haste. I don't know, I'm tired and just realized I had this post half written out. Seems close enough to only worry about if you happen to stumble upon a cheap AotE on the AH. Gearing is flexible! Enjoy trying different things, see how they feel to you, bring friends to fill your health bar and keep that beautiful color showing up on battleground targets/scoreboards/f2p chat (seriously, Monks have the BiS class color without a doubt).
No such thing as a "F2P restricted" monk. If you were F2P restricted you wouldn't even play monk to begin with. Might aswell go 20 without the restrictions. You should play BM, it's the only viable/usefull spec.
Also, I've been playing as a WW flag carrier — you're too squishy to hold on to it in your own flag room for too long but getting across and those first few jukes... found my new favorite FCer. Literally tried it once and now have started to make a full FCing set.
And the more I play the more I really think that BM has better reliable damage and burst than WW. I'll keep trying them both out but it seems that BM is superior. Also fun, but definitely needs more Flying Serpent Kick...