1v1 as a Glass Cannon (Fire) Mage Guide


Hey guys, Dekuna here. I wrote this guide to document effective ways of defeating the various classes in WoW as a level 19 Glass Cannon Mage.


Here are the tactics I use vs. the various classes that you may encounter while in a 1v1 situation, and I will rate the level of difficulty from Medium, Hard to Very Hard and the Tactic in which I use to defeat the class. This list will not factor in skill, gear or professions. I understand that if you fight a poorly geared opponent he will inevitably lose:

Rogue - Medium

Tactic - Kite

1. Run around looking for the Rogue while he's in stealth.

2. If you see him, Frost Nova, then make some distance.

3. Spam fireball on him then when he gets close, fireblast. (Use rank 1 frostbolts occasionally to slow the rogue down.)

4. Repeat the rank 1 frostbolt to fireball/fireblast process until the rogue dies.

5. If the rogue happens to survive with 20-50 health - use arcane missles, if hes lower than 20 - use your wand.

6. Use Frost Nova on the Rogue if he gets uncomfortably close to you or starts doing melee damage.

Warrior - Medium

Tactic - Kite

1. Use the same tactics as you would for the Rogue, except if he uses Hamstring - sheep, run, then keep him in combat from a distance, because if he loses combat he WILL charge you.

Paladin - Hard

Tactic - Kite

1. Same tactics as Rogue/Warrior. Snare, Kite, Defeat.

2. If he begins to cast Holy Light, sheep him to interrupt it then break the polymorph effect with a fireblast.

Shaman - Very Hard

Tactic - Polymorph, Wand, Kite

1. Sheep the Shaman, if he uses Earthshock, cast sheep again.

2. Fireball spam him, then use Fireblast.

3. Sheep-interrupt his heals.

4. Use your wand to destroy Earthbind Totems. (It's not worth the time destroying the other totems because the damage they deal is nothing compared the Shaman's melee damage.)

Hunter - Very Hard

Tactic - Polymorph, Snare

1. Sheep the Hunter.

2. Frost Nova the pet, make some distance between you and the pet.

3. Fireball spam the Hunter.

4. If the Hunter happens to be close to you, run into melee range, rank 1 frostbolt him, then cast more Fireballs.

5. Finish Hunter with a Fireblast.

Druid - Hard

Tactic - Out damage their HoTs and interrupt their healing spells with polymorph.

1. Spam fireball on the druid, fireblast.

2. If he tries to escape keep pretty close distance with him and use a rank 1 frostbolt to slow him down.

3. Hope that is he has enough mana to shapeshift into travel form, cast a fireball and hope he is in range.

Priest - Medium

Tactic - Polymorph

1. Spam fireball (while being careful to watch for his Heal spell) on the priest to force him to heal.

2. When he starts to cast a heal, sheep him, then break the effect with a fireblast.

3. Cast fireball until he dies, just remember to polymorph when he tries to heal.

4. He will most likely fear you, so just hope you dont die during that 10 second period. (If you're Undead or Human, you can use Will of the Forsaken or Every Man For Himself.)

Warlock - Very Hard

Tactic - Freeze Pet, Dispel Curse

1. Sheep the warlock then Frost Nova his minion.

2. Make some distance between you and the minion. If the minion resists then you just have to suffer the spell pushback.

3. Fireball/Fireblast the warlock.

4. Dispel curses immediately, as they do devastating damage.

5. The warlock will most likely chain fear you, so you have to hope you dont die during those brutal 15? seconds. (Unelss you're Undead or Human then you'll be ok.)

Mage - Medium

Tactic - Polymorph

1. Sheep the mage.

2. Spam fireball on the mage.

3. Maybe use rank 1 frostbolt now and again if you think he might run. (although Gnome mages will be a huge pain since they have Escape Artist.)

Things to remember:

1. Only sheep someone if it's necessary, because while they are sheeped they will regenerate health and mana outrageously quick. So, I advise not to excessively sheep your opponent.

2. If you come accross a Hunter, you will most probably die if said Hunter has half a brain or 1.2k+ hp.

3. Spell pushback WILL kill you. If you are fighting someone with a pet or quick attack speed, you will have a very hard time. (As the above post mentions.)

4. I didn't want to factor in skill, gear or professions because that leaves so much variation on your behalf and the opponent's.

5. This guide is not written in stone and is a work in progress. If anyone would like to contribute to it, I'm more than happy a to add to it.
Level 19 Frost Mage Guide:

All Classes

Difficulty: Easy

1. Cast Frostbolt (Rank 1).

2. Run to your friends.

Teasing! xD Good work that you put into it, I'm sure with all your fire SP that you can crit at least 500 with berserker, just have to be careful with such low health!
IamMage said:

Druid - Hard

Tactic - Out damage their HoTs and interrupt their healing spells with polymorph.

Imo, change to "Impossible"

Druid just stands there with 2 HoTs up and waits for mage to be oom! :p
lindenkron said:
Imo, change to "Impossible"

Druid just stands there with 2 HoTs up and waits for mage to be oom! :p

Realistically? Yes, same with Hunters. I was originally just gonna label "Die" as the Tactic used against classes that were considerably more effective against Mages than others, but I figured that would be a little harsh. So, I decided not to factor in anything and let you decide whether or not the Mage would have a fair chance or get owned by the different classes.
Sheep the druid? I know you didn't just say sheep and druid in the same sentance.

Set the hunter on focus. Sheep focus macro makes it easyer to keep target sheeped while staying on the the pet. Now kill the hunter.

vs priest. You die, you won't kill him b4 your mana bar goes bye bye.

vs warlock, you won't win this fight either.

vs rogue, you should win about half the time. its pretty even
toxic said:
Sheep the druid? I know you didn't just say sheep and druid in the same sentance.

He said sheep the Druid to interupt heals, which is viable (moreso in 2s or Warsong, it's not like you will kill him in a duel anyway).

I'm not sure why Priest is listed as Medium, it should be more like "No chance in a million years" difficulty.
Basically mages can't kill anything that heals in 19s. The dps is just too weak, no interrupts, any decently geared healer can outheal and slowly wand/shadow word a mage to death while healing themself.

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