I've given this bracket a try a few times lately and I've seen a lot of problems. Not the problems I am normally QQing about either, you know... hunters, GY Camping, the Mid chop, etc... I have seen some other little things that rubs me wrong. I will list them below in no particular order.
- Players dogging geared players that aren't BiS, calling them undergeared. I am not one of them, but I tend to inspect those that are being ridiculed and they are typically not so bad that they hurt the team. There are some that are completely undergeared, but most of the time, they aren't that bad. I assume that these people are trying to drive them off to get friends in, but I don't know for sure.
- Players constantly ragging the team when they aren't doing much themselves. One of the most common people I see doing this posts in 19 bracket posts here on TI quite often.
- Players coming into a game and leaving just before it starts. Most of the time, it's a well geared, well established player that could have turned the game our direction. Some of the times, that player ends up back in the same game... on the other side.
- This one doesn't really affect the outcome of the games, but there are still tons of people afking out just before a loss, on both sides. I was in a game late last week that was 10v10... 1 minute before the game ended, it was 3v10.
The GY camping, as long as a flags are being moved, doesn't bother me so much, but I know it does for a handful of people I have talked with,