19s are so fun right now

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Again we have another white guy tryin to be black.

Firstly, what does ethnicity have to do with my preferred genre of music? A tribe called quest is quite possibly the most influential group to ever grace rap music.

Secondly. I'm only half white...Less actually since my mother has a good percentile of native american blood. Russian jew blood running through me though, not going to lie.
Firstly, what does ethnicity have to do with my preferred genre of music? A tribe called quest is quite possibly the most influential group to ever grace rap music.

Secondly. I'm only half white...Less actually since my mother has a good percentile of native american blood. Russian jew blood running through me though, not going to lie.

I'm jk man. Lol...
I'm not sitting at the edge of my seat, eagerly awaiting a response from..."Sneaky" I don't care about your opinion, or you as a person.

Clearly you do, as you made a separate post devoted to a post from me that was hardly making a point.

Make yourself look like a fool much?
Upon hearing my true identity the already withered threads of your inferior mental construct would tear into millions of microfibers. Causing the metaphorical representation of your brain(which in this case is a worn cloth, or perhaps a tattered piece of clothing) to cease in functionality. I'm nothing short of awesome stature, omnipotent through all infinity, if I so please your entire being would collapse like the frail child you truly are.

You aint even got no heart.

Pretty sure I've already deaded 3 of u...Who's next?

Can I get someone who isn't lost?

Better avatar?
undercover mgcers r not worth my time sry

****, most non-undercover mgcers r not worth my time
undercover mgcers r not worth my time sry

****, most non-undercover mgcers r not worth my time

I've never had a toon inside of mgc...I'm like the Jesus of this bracket, bro. You need to learn to respect your superior twinks.
I think I'm going to be sick when players on the caliber of kao and dori are allowed to talk down to their fellow 19s. That's quite backwards considering they aren't very good themselves. It's wrong is what it is!

Btw, only first and second gen pokemon count. The rest are awful and you should all feel bad.

I gotta say hes right about the first and second gen the rest are pretty bad.
broken? my heart has a giant ******* gash in it and i'm hearing the same cheesy love song in my head over and over about never letting go

u've done this to me
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