19 Warlock Guide, updated for 4.0.6.

19 Warlock Guide, updated for 4.2.

I decided to make a guide for 19 Warlocks, because I couldn't find any around which were up to date.

This is my first guide, so if there's anything you'd like to see changed, let me know!

I: Introduction - is Warlock the class for me?

II: Race

III: Gear and Enchants

IV: Specs and Professions

V: Tips and Tricks

I: Introduction - is Warlock the class for me?

As of now, the Warlock is one of the most underplayed classes in the bracket. Pre-Shattering, it was a common class. But when the Shattering came, they lost two crucial survival abilites: the Voidwalker's Sacrifice, and the heal from Lifeblood. The Warlock is therefore pretty squishy. Though, they've still got Fear, Drain Life and Healthstone. Soulburn improves your Drain Life (cast time reduced by 50%) and Healthstone (increase maximum health by 20% for 8 sec) as well. Warlocks still put out a high amount of damage, and a Warlock can give the Healers a hard time keeping everyone up when the DoTs are ticking.

Conclusion: Warlocks are still viable, but are more difficult to master than other classes.

II: Race


Human - 3% Spirit, 3 increased Expertise with a Mace or Sword equipped, both of which are useless. 10% increase to Reputation gains, which could come in handy. Every Man for Himself, which is the most noteworthy ability. Works like an Insignia, but with a shorter CD, and makes you able to drop the Insignia for something better.

Dwarf - 1% Crit with guns, 3 increased Expertise with a Mace equipped, and a boost to Archaeology, all of which are useless. 19 Frost Resistance, and Stoneform, which both are noteworthy. Stoneform removes all poison, disease and bleed effects and reduces all damage taken by 10% for 8 sec, which can come in handy if you have a bleed and you and need to use a Bandage quickly, or simply are under high pressure, and need to take less damage in order to survive.

Gnome - 15 increased Engineering and 5% Increased Mana, which both could come in handy. 19 Arcane Resistance and Escape Artist, which both are noteworthy abilities. Escape Artist makes you escape any immobilization effects or movement speed reduce effect on yourself, has got a 1.5 min CD, and is very useful in case you want to escape, or reach, your enemies.

Worgen - 15 increased Skinning, which is useless. 1% increased Crit, 14 Nature and Shadow Resistance, and Darkflight, all of which are noteworthy. Darkflight increases your movement speed by 40% for 10 seconds, has got a 2 min CD, and is very useful in case you want to escape, or reach, your enemies.

Worgen > Human > Gnome > Dwarf


Orc - 3 increased Expertise with axes, which is useless. 15% less duration on Stun effects, 5% increase to damage dealt by Pets, and Blood Fury, all of which are noteworthy. Blood Fury increases your Spell Power by x, and is good to have when you want to burst someone down.

Undead - your underwater breath lasts 233% longer, which is useless. 19 Shadow Resistance, Cannibalize and Will of the Forsaken, which all are noteworthy. Cannibalize lets you regenerates 7% of your hp every 2 sec, lasts 10 sec, but cannot be used in combat, and you need to stand still next to a corpse in order to regenerate. Will of the Forsaken removes all kinds of Charm, Fear and Sleep effect, but puts your insignia on a 30 sec CD when used (if you use the Insignia first, you'll put your Will of the Forsaken on CD).

Troll - 1% Crit with bows and throwns, which is useless. 10% more Health regenerated outside combat, and 10% of your outside-combat Health regeneration may continue inside of combat, and 5% damage dealt versus Beasts, which both could come in handy. Duration of Movement Impairing Effects is reduced by 15% and Berserking, both of which are notworthy. Berserking increases your attack and casting speed by 20% for 10 sec, and is good to have when you want to burst someone down.

Blood Elf - 10 increased Enchanting, which is useless. 19 Arcane Resistance and Arcane Torrent, both of which are noteworthy. Arcane Torrent silences all enemies withing 8 yards for 2 sec (2 sec against NPCs) and restores 6% of your Mana, which is very useful to interrupt Healers, or maybe even a crucial attack.

Goblin - 15 increased Alchemy, which is useless. Discounts when buying items from NPCs, and Pack Hobgoblin (a portable bank with a 30 minute CD), which could come in handy. 1% increased Haste, Rocket Barrage and Rocket Jump, all of which are noteworthy. Rocket Barrage fires a rocket at your enemy, can be shot 30 yards (or less) away from target, and does about 200 damage, depending on your Spell Power. Rocket Jump launches yourself forward, and is very useful in case you want to escape, or reach, your enemies. Note: Rocket Barrage and Rocket Jump has got a 2 min CD, and shares CD.

Goblin > Blood Elf > Undead > Troll > Orc

All of the races are viable, they've all got something useful, and you should go with the one you feel works best for you. Personally, I think Worgens and Goblins are best, because Warlocks need all the survivability they can get.

III: Gear and Enchants

Gear with a (!) behind is a grandfathered item, which is no longer obtainable.

Gear with a (A) behind is an item which is only obtainable for Alliance.

Gear with a (H) behind is an item which is only obtainable for Horde.

The gear I've listed first is what I believe is best, below you can find other options.

Regular set:

Head - [item] Tattered Dreadmist Mask [/item]

Other options - [item] Lucky Fishing Hat [/item], [item] Keeshan's Bandana [/item](A), [item]Green Tinted Goggles [/item], [item] Shadow Goggles [/item]

Neck - [item] Thick Bronze Necklace [/item]

Other options - [item] Voice Amplification Modulator [/item]

Shoulders - [item] Tattered Dreadmist Mantle [/item]

Other options - [item] Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle [/item], [item] Talbar Mantle [/item](!), [item] Feline Mantle [/item]

Cloak - [item] Spidersilk Drape [/item]

Other options - [item] Tumultuous Cloak [/item] of the Sorcerer, [item] Ancient Bloodmoon Cloak [/item]

Enchant - 5 All Resistances, 70 Armor, 15 Fire Resistance (against Explosive Shot).

Chest - [item] Tattered Dreadmist Robe [/item]

Other options - [item] Inferno Robe [/item](!), [item] Robes of Arugal [/item], [item] Anacondra's Robe [/item]

Enchant - 100 HP, 4 All Stats.

Bracers - [item] Mindthrust Bracers [/item]

Other options - [item] Crystalline Cuffs [/item]

Enchant - 15 Spell Power, 9 Stamina.

Gloves - [item] Jutebraid Gloves [/item](!)

Other options - [item] Serpent Gloves [/item], [item] Gold-Flecked Gloves [/item]

Enchant - 16 Spell Power, 10 Haste.

Belt - [item] Enumerated Wrap [/item] of the Sun, the Sorcerer or the Vision.

Legs - [item] Godfrey's Britches [/item]

Other options - [item] Darkweave Breeches [/item]

Enchant - 16 Armor (24 Armor on BoE legs).

Boots - [item] Spidersilk Boots [/item]

Other options - [item] Merger Boots [/item](H), [item] Conspirator's Slippers [/item](H), [item] Slippers of Unturned Loyalties [/item](H), [item] Walking Boots [/item]

Enchant - Minor Speed Increase, 7 Stamina, 5 Hit Rating.

Ring 1 - [item] Seal of Argas [/item]

Ring 2 - [item]1156[/item]

Other options - [item] Seal of Argas [/item] (second is obtainable trough Faction Change), [item] Garrosh's Pardon [/item](H), [item] Stillwater's Signet [/item](H)

Trinket 1 - [item] Arena Grand Master [/item]

Other options - [item] Discerning Eye of the Beast [/item], [item] Swift Hand of Justice [/item]

Trinket 2 - [item] Inherited Insignia of the Alliance [/item], [item] Inherited Insignia of the Horde [/item]

Other options - [item] Insignia of the Alliance [/item], [item] Insignia of the Horde [/item], [item] Arena Grand Master [/item], [item] Discerning Eye of the Beast [/item], [item] Swift Hand of Justice [/item], [item] Minor Recombobulator [/item]

Weapon - [item] Dignified Headmaster's Charge [/item]

Other options - [item] Grand Staff of Jordan [/item], [item] Twisted Chanter's Staff [/item], [item] Emberstone Staff [/item]

Enchant - 30 Spell Power, 22 Intellect.

Wand - [item] Firebelcher [/item]

Other options - [item] Suppressor's Wand [/item](H), [item] Wind Rider Wand [/item](H), [item] Cookie's Stirring Stick [/item], [item]5198[/item], [item] Durak's Wand [/item](H), [item] Gravestone Scepter [/item](!)

Max Survival Set/FC set:

Head - [item] Lucky Fishing Hat [/item]

Neck - [item] Thick Bronze Necklace [/item]

Shoulders - [item] Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle [/item]

Cloak - [item] Tumultuous Cloak [/item] of Stamina

Enchant - 70 Armor

Chest - [item] Mystic's Robe [/item]

Enchant - 100 HP

Bracers - [item] Shimmering Bracers [/item] of Stamina

Enchant - 9 Stamina

Gloves - [item] Jutebraid Gloves [/item](!)

Enchant - 16 Spell Power, 10 Haste

Belt - [item] Enumerated Wrap [/item] of Stamina

Legs - [item] Sacred Burial Trousers [/item](!)

Enchant - 16 Armor

Boots - [item] Spidersilk Boots [/item]

Enchant - 7 Stamina, Minor Speed Increase

Ring 1 - [item] Seal of Sylvanas [/item](!)

Ring 2 - [item] Seal of Argas [/item]

Trinket 1 - [item] Arena Grand Master [/item]

Trinket 2 - [item] Arena Grand Master [/item]

Weapon - [item] Sharpened Scarlet Kris [/item]

Enchant - 22 Intellect, 30 Spell Power

Off-hand - [item] Furbolg Medicine Pouch [/item]

Wand - [item] Firebelcher [/item]

I did not add any other options to the second set because I only wanted to list the BiS gear. You can pick replacements from the first gear list.

IV: Specs and Professions

I would personally suggest Destruction.

Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

Conflagrate does a nice amount of damage, in addition to sometimes dazing your enemy (if specced, which you should be). Cataclysm increases Fire spell damage by 25%, which will benefit Conflagration, Seering Pain, Immolation, Rocket Belt (if you're a Goblin), and your Imp's fireball.

Affliction isn't a bad spec either, and is best when SP stacked.

Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

Unstable Afflication does a good amount of damage over 15 seconds, but can only be active on one target at a time, has got a 1.5 sec casting time, and doesn't stack with Immolate. Shadow Mastery increases Shadow spell damage by 25%, which will benefit Unstable Affliction, Bane of Agony, Corruption, Drain Soul, Shadow Bolt, and the Shadow damage of Drain Life.

I wouldn't suggest Demonology, but it could be an option if you're aiming for max HP.

Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

You may now summon a Felguard, but it has low hp, and doesn't do a considerable amount of damage. Demonic Knowledge increases your Fire and Shadow damage by 15%, and benefits all of the spells mentioned below the Destruction and Affliction spec.

For professions, you have got several (useful) options: Herbalism, Mining, Skinning and Engineering.

I would personally always take Herbalism, because the 55 haste is a very decent amount, and will help you burst down the FC with faster DoTs and such. It does provide a small heal as well.

Mining increases your Stamina by 7, and Warlocks have got somewhat low HP, and should, in my opinion, pick up the extra HP wherever they can.

Skinning provides 9 Crit Rating, around 3% Crit, which is also nice.

Engineering provides [item] Green Tinted Goggles [/item] and [item] Shadow Goggles [/item], which are decent options for your head slot. There's also [item] Minor Recombobulator [/item]. And, of course, Engineering enables to you use several useful bombs to stun, as well as items that may slow or confuse, your enemies.

V: Tips and Tricks

I haven't personally played my Warlock much since the Shattering, so any suggestions for this section are more than welcome.

1. Always fear twice - many people uses their trinket on your Fear very quickly, and a second Fear will keep your enemy at bay.

2. Juke - if you're having an annoying Rogue on your back, or maybe even a Mage, you should always try to fakecast your spells. There are many ways to fool your enemy, and you should try to find a good way of your own. (Though, a lot of people forget to use their interrupt.)

3. Always bring your Imp - he brings a 17 Stamina aura to you and your group, which is a decent amount of health.

4. Spread the love - make sure everyone in range is suffering from your DoTs. They're the main spells of a Warlock, and having everyone's HP slowly going down will give their Healers a hard time.

5. Bring a Healer - if you've got a Healer to back you up, you can put out an incredible amount of damage.

6. Swap trinkets - if you're not a Human, you should be wearing an Insignia, but when it's on CD, you may consider changing it to another trinket, like [item] Arena Grand Master [/item] or one of the Heirloom trinkets. Note: Insignia has a 30 sec CD once you equip it, even if the original CD is gone.

So this is the end my guide, hopefully you have learned how to make your Warlock one of the finest!
Need Offensive, Defensive, and FC gear sets.
notoriousthf said:
[item]1156[/item] fixed link.

Soulburn also affects searing pain's crit chance.

Ty for the link.

And if you are refering to my Soulburn reference in the introduction, I was only mentioning abilities that would help survival (which Seering Pain doesn't).

Apart from that, everything is fine?
Yeah. It's all I can find as of now.

Just mention that affliction is best when sp stacking.

I'm still trying to figure out a good talent build and (usage) for demo. I'm trying out a full minion-based build atm.

Lifeblood's haste also affects the warlocks' dot ticks (they tick faster, making it even worse for healers, especially if it's an sp-stacking affliction lock)
notoriousthf said:
Yeah. It's all I can find as of now.

Just mention that affliction is best when sp stacking.

I'm still trying to figure out a good talent build and (usage) for demo. I'm trying out a full minion-based build atm.

Lifeblood's haste also affects the warlocks' dot ticks (they tick faster, making it even worse for healers, especially if it's an sp-stacking affliction lock)

Okay, let me know how the Demonology works out for ya.
Xposure said:
Feel free to add this to the Twink Guide Section, I believe more people will find it there. If there's anything I should change first, let me know.

Alrighty, looks good enoughand its been about long enough to take a good peer reviewing. Keep it updated.

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