19 Twink Shaman

Lithdk said:
Also, what is a good arena partner for 2v2 as a resto shaman. I've tried a rogue, but they don't really cut it in arena I think. I did play with a warrior in a PuG arena and I liked the fact that he could hamstring. I'm not going to play with a hunter.

I havn't played with a warlock yet, but I've met some good warlocks.

I'm torn between



Your best bet for a partner in arenas is a priest of hunter.
Yeah, this twink is fresh as of this week, and 19 shaman is a blast. Dont flame me for not having minor speed, im keeping 7 stam till fishing hat and AGM. Anywho, yah, rogues are pretty hard, but huntards are easy. Simply LoS till they come to you, charge in, do a "totem twist" (only if u have stoneclaw glyph), drop stoneclaw, then next GCD drop EB, flame shock his sorry ass, drop searing, and beat on him in melee. Another obvious strat against rogues, (tho prolly not the really smart ones) is drop the other fire totem... forgot name, time it so the 5 second wait meets the time rogue takes to get to u in stealth, = no ambush, and kite away.

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