[19] Same Score Different Day (H) Recruiting (Aggramar EU)

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I'd be interested in joining, I'd be rolling a new char on the realm and making a dk to farm BoA's

what's it like getting AGM on Aggramar
which classes would you be more interested in having me roll as
would I get any help with quests/dungeons (i dont expect gold as I can farm that myself)

thanks :)
I'd be interested in joining, I'd be rolling a new char on the realm and making a dk to farm BoA's

what's it like getting AGM on Aggramar
which classes would you be more interested in having me roll as
would I get any help with quests/dungeons (i dont expect gold as I can farm that myself)

thanks :)

I'm not an officer myself but I'll answer what I can :)

I am atm farming AGM myself, on my Mage and I can tell you that it's no big deal compared to other servers I've been on.

And yes, you'd probably get some kind of help in dungeons, I could help you as best as I can^^
I'd be interested in joining, I'd be rolling a new char on the realm and making a dk to farm BoA's

what's it like getting AGM on Aggramar
which classes would you be more interested in having me roll as
would I get any help with quests/dungeons (i dont expect gold as I can farm that myself)

thanks :)

AGM pretty damn easy tbh

you will definitely get help in dungeouns

roll whatever tickles your fancy, but we could do with more priests iirc :) pm me ur real ID if u wanna if u wanna talk in game
I'd be interested in joining, I'd be rolling a new char on the realm and making a dk to farm BoA's

what's it like getting AGM on Aggramar
which classes would you be more interested in having me roll as
would I get any help with quests/dungeons (i dont expect gold as I can farm that myself)

thanks :)

If you do indeed choose to roll here, then you can get myself and a rogue in the guilds realid, whenever we are online just /w us around AGM time and we will boost you for it (BloodDK and HPala cant die), though the majority of the time there is very little competition at gurubashi so you could get it within a week. Also, we can run you through dungeons no problems as it gets us guild xp, guild rep and you gear! Questing help can also be arranged but as you probably know, 98% of quests are just as fast without a booster.

We do not have actives for the following classes & specs (I.e. if a spec is unlisted there is atleast one active player of that type):

Warrior (Arms/Prot)
Warlock (Demo/Destro)
Mage (Fire)
Priest (Holy)
Rogue (Combat/Assass)
Druid (Feral/Balance)
Hunter (MM)
Paladin (Ret)
Shaman (Ele/Resto)

Having said that we are in need of more active healers atm! Especially Priests, Druids & Shamans.

Nice hearing that you are interested and its also awesome to see a name i recognize from level 1 twinks days! I was a nobody in that guild tho :p

Likewise with what ginge said, if you wanna PM me your realID we can have a chat ingame if youd like :) Look forward to hearing back from ya ;)
Not for me... Btw I will make a glorious return in 2 weeks, will msotly stick to 70 tho, but when i play my 19 you will be my number one target, kay? Just because I love y'all :)<3
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