Hey guys i decided to put this post up coz i was bored, this is the most i have ever healed in a wsg so far. I did not have any major buffs to help me get this it was just rumsey/inner fire/fort from the start. This was also done today you can ask my friends if it was done today for proof. Just for those who might be thinking this, i did not use gems you can check my professions. I know this does not achieve anything or show any skill. It is just merley for people wanting to see how much a priest can heal in wsg. It was a fairley hard match because we were up against 5 fucking hunters witch was dumb but we pulled it off witch was kinda of funneh. Obioviousley this doesn't show priests bubbles and overhealing witch i should get a addon to see how much it was for the future
Also i wouldn't mind seeing ss of other priests pulling off more than what i have done. (Without cheating off coarse)
P.S: Priests can obioviousley do more but you need to right conditions to pull it off.
On other news, i manage to scroung up a ss of me the only one being in wsg at the end due to most wt and other people afking, Quite amusing imo.
I got more shit to post but i will leave it at that for tonight. Happy tinking Tinkers!!!
Also i wouldn't mind seeing ss of other priests pulling off more than what i have done. (Without cheating off coarse)
P.S: Priests can obioviousley do more but you need to right conditions to pull it off.
On other news, i manage to scroung up a ss of me the only one being in wsg at the end due to most wt and other people afking, Quite amusing imo.
I got more shit to post but i will leave it at that for tonight. Happy tinking Tinkers!!!
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