19 Armory Library

You guys are making fools out of yourselves. No matter what happened if it was a moderator/admin decision and it is something you do not agree with the situation should be handled privately. This site has gone no where but in good directions since the change in ownership. Yes tough decisions do need to be made and you all have the leisure of not having to make them.
The account sales and private server sections have had to be removed before by previous leadership for the same exact reason. Honestly I don't know how it got added back because having something on a site that goes against the game it is mainly promoting will limit it's growth. You may see this just as a place for your casual interaction but it could be so much more.
On the note of a thread removal, if it was obsolete then it was obsolete. Again that decision was made by the site's leadership and should be respected. If you do not agree with something go to them privately. Openly going against an action and especially directly at a moderator is not going to get you farther than a thread lock and the appropriate disciplinary action.

Cease the derailment.
You guys are making fools out of yourselves. No matter what happened if it was a moderator/admin decision and it is something you do not agree with the situation should be handled privately. This site has gone no where but in good directions since the change in ownership. Yes tough decisions do need to be made and you all have the leisure of not having to make them.
The account sales and private server sections have had to be removed before by previous leadership for the same exact reason. Honestly I don't know how it got added back because having something on a site that goes against the game it is mainly promoting will limit it's growth. You may see this just as a place for your casual interaction but it could be so much more.
On the note of a thread removal, if it was obsolete then it was obsolete. Again that decision was made by the site's leadership and should be respected. If you do not agree with something go to them privately. Openly going against an action and especially directly at a moderator is not going to get you farther than a thread lock and the appropriate disciplinary action.

Cease the derailment.

stay on topic please

Deadeasy @ Bladefist - Game Guide - World of Warcraft my other rogue leveled now but gear is BiS
Appropiate disciplinary actions, permbanning an acc from 09 with 0 warning lvls and 0 previous bans for asking a admin not to call me a wannabegangster. Okey bro, bring in more pizza slaves plz. Phonebooks thread alot better then this thread with constant updates, having the community actualy involved instead of hai im mod/communityleader/admin and I decide critique is unacceptable.

you should link ur toon so u can be on topic mejt other wise ur gunna get banned oh wait...

also add this please im almost finished http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/aszune/Gingertink/simple
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