169% haste and 95% crit

Yeah with the glitched satchel, happily not working for us in the Us.
Which is gonna cause Blizz to do even more ban hammer crap for one person who thinks bragging about shit like this is cool. I'm not saying I wouldn't do it if it was working for US realms, I'm saying you don't go logging off with it all on for the world to see and Blizz to puke a "fuck all you twinks" for one guy solution.

EDIT: I'm actually wondering if this isn't a private server. If you look at his history he went from 1-500 kills in maybe 3 hours (looks like in WSG with by chance ofc the perfect spread of classes so he could get "Know Thy Enemy"). I know if I was opposing team I'd either quit that game or stop rezzing.
well if you were geared like that would be easy to get 500 in less than an hour.

i usually get 50-100 per game, at 6-15 minute games, and thats not on one of these glitched toons.
Oliks here.. problem with my account-.-

I've been doing this no a new druid, that i made just for this

So question to svd.. Do the enchants work? I know you can put them on, but doesnt the actual enchant require a certain level to be useful? like lvl 50 for wotlk enchants.

edit: Omg first post
its not my warlock and i dont know how he get items

i think that someone here know about it bug
let him use it if he wants to

just dont expect being able to play on your account if u take advantage if this AND use the exploit to get in exp-on games without gaining any exp.
just dont expect being able to play on your account if u take advantage if this AND use the exploit to get in exp-on games without gaining any exp.

Blizz would tie whoever did that to a wooden post and light them on fire for doing that...
Stupid exploit letting low levels que in higher dungeons.

imo illegal twinks are crap.. Legit twinks are alot more impressive.

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