110 Twink Hunter help

Looking to twink my 110 BM Alliance hunter. Anyone mind posting a link for their toon so i can look at what azerite peices i need to be aiming for. Which azerite traits are the best? any help is appreciated.
I cant speak for PvP too much anymore, but the https://www.wowhead.com/item=132466/roots-of-shaladrassil and https://www.wowhead.com/item=137382/the-apex-predators-claw are great leggos for everything you do outside of PvP. My BM is easily my strongest all around PvE 110. DH can do big-groupy-eyebeam things better but my BM can do everything. The legs also happen to be great stat-slot filler for PvP as well, tho you might wanna go crafted for the 2nd one for the gem slots. The ring is great for PvE but i'd go with the crafted gloves for PvP.

Primal instincts is a great stacking azerite trait IMO, but im not too up on it anymore since they fucking change them every other week and we only get 3 shots at 300 gear at 110 and that's it forever. So choose wisely, I guess....

Also https://azerite.info/ is great for looking up pieces and https://xpoff.com/threads/110-quick-start-guide-bfa.80758/
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thanks. im currently playing a BM hunter. i dont pvp really, this toon is mainly for pve stuff
BM is great then. 285 pieces should be good enough for most stuff so I wouldn't worry about the questlines yet.

Just check the BfA dungeon journal and try to get those azerite if they look good, and the world rare drops are easy quality gear. The greater invasion bosses on argus can drop some good stuff too if they warforge, and you can solo most lesser invasions pretty easily as well as other argus stuff if you wanna try to roll your dice with relics from the https://www.wowhead.com/currency=1508/veiled-argunite vendor. I just did the ilvl 217 Boralus weapon questline myself, more than adequate and less hassle.

Just run around BfA killing rares that drop the armor you're after and in an hour you can be full 210 non-azerite, easy. Find a ranged weapon rare first IMO, it makes everything so much easier. Horde rares will be way harder because they're all level 120, but doable. The world quest azerite rares are the worst, only there when the quest is up and impossible to solo.

That's all like cliffs notes version, but it'll carry you pretty far PvE.

edit- laernyths hunter up there can give you the armors to look up on wowhead to get the rares' locations.
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