EU+US 101 Tank Twink?

Since Legion has been out a bit and we've found new ways to farm AP, it really isn't too much of a concern since most 98/99/101/102/109's will be capable of between 17-25 Ranks without too much effort. This gives you quite a bit of choices tbh. For ANY Twink Tank, I'd recommend pure Damage Traits where you can get them because your Defensive capabilities will be insane already, not much reason to add a teeny tiny bit more.
I can't figure out which side has more deeps traits. They're both a mix. Not a huge fan of the trait tree for Veng TBH.
Head Left, it has the most DPS increase of anything in the "Tree". You want anything that increases Fire Damage or duration thereof, like Fire Brand. The first Elite Trait you hit is actually a DPS increase because for every second you have Metamorphosis active you gain 7 Pain.
So if I were to make a 101 Guardian, would it be better to have cloth in the slots I can't put Leather boe in, or use the 800 ilvl from dungeons and then HFC gear?
guardian wouldnt benefit from int from cloth. if balance or resto then yes cloth is good
I can now say (since I finally went over iLvL 800 today, 801 equipped now & Rank 13) that 101 Blood DK is stupidly OP. I can pull ALL of the Trash in a Dungeon to the Boss and just AOE it all down with no fear whatsoever of dying. Hell it's rare if I even drop below 95% Health lol. Most of the time I can even completely ignore Boss mechanics and stand in stupid with impunity. To top that off I'm regularly doing 60-80% of the Damage done for the entire Dungeon.

Bear in mind, I'm no @Aelobin Geared but it's coming along nicely for only having spent ~100K so far (I've made well over 40K selling crap in that time with that 101). If I was being honest I'd say 101 is the new Level 10 as far as OP Twink Levels go.

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