10 twinks EU

could u take from Frost and Fire and Shadow power with u? hard to find:)
these 3 are just the ones im missing atm, i didnt need them so i didnt went active after these but a friend of mine on draenor can do the 20 ssp, ill inform him that we have to go aq more often by starting this ev :) Think i also got some lying arround on a char for people in my guild who wanted to reroll, i dont mind giving them away to serious rerollers :p

Anyway ill be online this ev, gotta get me some sleep, bad nights are bad :(
Draenor will suck AGM wise, boas aint problem cuz cross realm boa will come. I want roll something diff, like spriest? Ench shammy maybe... not rogue or hunter.
I have my bta on Draenor but not much gold left atm (already have 19, 39 horde side and 19, 29 alliance side). I am an ex-lvl1 twink player as well, and would love some pve action @ 10 too!

Count me in! =)

Retärdin, tauren paladin Draenor EU.
threesets said:
lol freshprince, it'll make the bracket more balanced

Yeah of course, getting rid of the one thing that actually somewhat counteracts the ridiculous stat levels level 10 twinks can get to e.g. 240% haste self buffed, will really help the bracket balance wise :)))))))
im finally back from a... almost 1 year break i think? anyway... wanting to know how the EU 10s are doing now, any EU 10-14 pops yet? really hoping to get this bracket rolling, got about 12 guild members (all 10s) on my server, but they dont play their twinks often enough :/ if i can get them online, maybe we'll have more hope of a pop! what time does everyone tend to queue at?
We started Guild on dunemaul, horde. You are alliance right? Maybe we can get some wsg games going in future?
how many you got? I can get 6 online if i spam peoples real ID's :) ill do some recruiting this week aswell... lure them in with guild bank >:D

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