1/16/2021 or 1/23/2021 Plebmade Wargame Signup Horde vs. Alliance!


Gang shit

Hello this is a signup sheet for 20 wargames. Wargame will take place at 7 pm cst Saturday 23 depends on how fast we fill teams.

Please leave character name, server, class, faction and spec you will be playing on signing up. Ex: Neons - Blackwing lair - Holy Paladin - Horde.

1. No more than 3 healers
2. only 1 of each spec of a class



Healer 1:lyghtbeard - sargeras - holy paladin

Healer 2:Neaptink - Laughing Skull Alliance.

Healer 3:

Dps: chops - arms warrior - kel'thuzad

Dps:kracksxcx- bleeding hollow - spriest

Dps: belys - blackrock - arcane mage

Dps: Alextron-Darkspear- Fury Warrior

Dps: grimzee-bleeding hollow- outlaw rogue

Dps: pvpness - moonguard - prot pally


Juan - Alliance - dk/druid


Fc:Cahfx - Bleedinghollow - Resto Druid - Horde

Healer 1: Neons - Blackwing Lair - Holy Paladin

Healer 2:

Healer 3:

Dps: Dizzen-Steamwheedle Cartel - Balance Druid - Horde

Dps: ko- mm hunter - Blackwing lair

Dps: multitotem- ysera enh shammy

Dps: Siegebreaker - blackhand horde US arms warrior



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If anyone wants to discuss rules down below be my guest, I am open to changing them after common ground has been met.
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Vulp racial has gotten nerfed. If any racial needs to be banned it’s LH Draenei as their racial has been buffed :)
I suggest Vulp racial gets unbanned and LH racial gets banned as well as aimshot...
seems pretty silly to be making any rules around banning abilities/racials without any actual WG experience this xpac
I may not have any WG exp this xpac, however, I have seen how hard the vulpera racial can hit. I have been crit for 1400 damage outside of bgs with it. This ability deserves to be banned but we need more insight from more exp players than me, it needs to be discussed. It was a rule in bfa so i kinda just carried it over, If anyone has any problems with the rules feel free to discuss them down below in the comment section.
I would say relax on setting any rules outside of a healer limit & class limit, and even then they may not be needed anymore.
Too many variables and limiting the meta reduces bracket representation + meta progression.

Just list Juan as backup for alliance. I'll play druid/dk.
I would say relax on setting any rules outside of a healer limit & class limit, and even then they may not be needed anymore.
Too many variables and limiting the meta reduces bracket representation + meta progression.

Just list Juan as backup for alliance. I'll play druid/dk.
Fixed, if anyone doesn't agree with these rule changes feel free to discuss!

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