twink raiding

  1. Namexgaming

    Reliving the 80-84 OG Twink days on Classic - Pagle/Faerlina

    Good afternoon all! I know majority of us have been reminiscing on the OG Cataclysm and MoP days of the 80-84 bracket and even those currently enjoying 30-39s on retail! (or what's left that blizz hasn't completely taken over the past 10 years) Granted blizzard continues to do what they can on...
  2. Emranos

    AM Legacy Recruiting 30s (EU)

    We are a friend group of 5 and ready to raid in legacy content in retail, and we are looking for 30s to raid together with us. We are playing actively in our guild [ATES MECLISI] TwistingNether-Horde (EU). We are having some sign-ups from achievement discord servers at the moment and if you are...
  3. swaggodtko

    2 man raiding videos from wod

    Thought I would share some 2 man 60 twink raiding from late 2015 with ya guys. Most of it was a joke but some interesting bosses like razorgore. We did all of Molten Core and 7/8 Bwl. Sorry for quality of Razorgore video, something was messed up with monks recording and I still think its...