
  1. Spell damage enhancement weapon proc dmg flametongue etc

    Has anyone tryed to do some sort of heavy spell damage enhancement setup with a fast weapon that scale with spell damage? This is just an example of around how much spell damage you could get: https://seventyupgrades.com/set/tN2PsHorsm6bbUkAt6iffo Seems to be alot of weapon options that proc...
  2. Meancritz

    Level 22 Dual Destiny Warrior?

    At level 22 you unlock rank 2 whirlwind which removes the rage cost and makes ww generate rage instead. I decided to test out how good a spin to win aoe warrior would be so I made and geared up this twink at lvl 22. So far he’s preforming very well and I think is far superior to my lvl 20 twink...
  3. Bestworld

    Epic weapons VS Greens & Blues of SAME item level

    Does anyone, regardless of character level, have the ability to check an epic weapon vs a blue / heirloom / green weapon of same ilvl and corresponding weapon category on BFA beta/ptr? I am curious as to how the stats look like, whether the epic actually holds any value over the others.
  4. icehawk

    EU+US Probably old news, but I never knew about this target dummy

    I know of the lvl 1 Alliance Dummy in Theramore http://www.wowhead.com/npc=4952/theramore-combat-dummy, but on the weekend I stumbled across a lvl 35 dummy which can't be killed. It's http://www.wowhead.com/npc=43560/smilin-timmy-sticks in STV. I was bored so was going around looking for Horde...