
  1. <Advanced Souls> Recruiting for 39, 49 & 59 Battlegrounds (Stormrage - Alliance)

    Hello Twinks! Come play... We are looking forward to full groups with the upcoming people... We offer help with gear and advice... (30's, 40's & 50's)!
  2. US WTS Epic lvl 29 Foreman's Gloves | Stormrage US

    Currently have the gloves for sale on Stormrage US. Please message me at Busineswoman or Yakora#1654
  3. US WTS EPIC LVL 20(ilvl 32) Foamspittle Staff

    I am selling this staff on Stormrage US. Feel free to add me on real ID Yakora#1654. I am looking for around 300k, but open to offers.
  4. US Plvlers of Stormrage's Blacklist.

    Hello fellow power levelers, on Stormrage! I am creating this thread, as a place to create a directory of people who try to get into our runs, then leave without paying. The hope is to try and prevent us from wasting our time, and losing us money. Please place the name of the character who left...
  5. Waves

    US [A] <Scuffed Guild> Stormrage

    <Scuffed Guild> is a semi-hardcore raiding guild on Alliance looking to effectively and efficiently complete current raiding content while having fun. We are searching for a few more talented raiders to fill our mythic roster so we can start mythic progression and go into Nighthold with a strong...
  6. US PROJECT: - We The 29's - *fist bump*

    It's very clear horde have the upper hand of elite players and long time ride or die twinks. Let's not bullshit ourselves either, people follow the hype, with anything. Which in turns leaves people flowing to the horde side for near insta wins and ever so lovely GY camping. When I queue up...