
  1. f13n1x

    Housing preview

    https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24186690 Looks really promising. If they allow pvp in them, we will be able to make some interesting self hosted arenas. :cool: Also if the neighborhood feature works well we could have different neighborhoods based on level etc.
  2. Rosaréa

    Which Gems are the best for a Level 20 in general?

    Hello there! As you read from the title, I have no idea on which gems I should be using for my warrior (level 20). I tried to buy a few from the AH, but they always scale down, (I haven't tried the super strong gems, but the ones that give me a reasonable stat, most of the time, will only give...
  3. maxyz

    Information About Ranked Arenas at Level 20

    Does anyone have information about a website that tracks the number of Skirmish Arenas won and lost? Back in Draenor/BFA, there was a site where twinks could check their rating in Skirmish Arenas, but I can’t find it, and I’m not sure if it’s still working. Now that BGs take so long to pop, or...
  4. Survival twink 20 (link ur twink)

    Hai! Im new to twink, and want to try to make a surival twink, before i close my playtime and gear it up. I cant find any of the twink armorys in here, because the links are dead, or blizzard havent updated since weekly reset. Can someone link me theirs, or tell me what items to get? or...
  5. Embu

    20 years of World of Warcraft - Photo of the year!

    To celebrate the 20th anniversary of WoW, we're organising THE photo of the year! :D 1 - First picture in front of Orgrimmar, second in front of Stormwind 2 - A group photo in the shape of ‘20’ in the Gurubashi arena 3 - End of the event with PvP battles in the arena While Embu...
  6. Insane pvp crits ! Zforgul Warrior 69 Classic WOTLK

    Insane pvp crits ! Zforgul Warrior 69 Classic WOTLK

    Insane twink crits in lvl 69 bgs during Wotlk Classic. #wow #videogames #twink #pvp #warcraft #worldofwarcraft #oneshot #warriors
  7. Fire And Fury | Fire Mage PvP (Classic WOTLK)

    Fire And Fury | Fire Mage PvP (Classic WOTLK)

    Fire And Fury - Watch as my Fire Mage twink harnesses the fury of flames to turn the tide of battles. From hurling Pyroblasts that melt foes on impact to ...
  8. Pvp Ques

    Hello, just created a pvp twink hoping to relive the nostalgia and I decided on lvl 36 for the MOP sets but Ive been queing for bgs and arenas all afternoon during primetime EST and I haven't gotten a single que. Is this normal? Is there a certain time I should be queing to try and get games or...
  9. Emelia

    10/11 Dragonflight Wargames & Basic PvP Guide

    Yes, this is happening! 10/11 wargames incoming! Join us in Discord for discussions about formation and theorycrafting. Come back later when I have this filled out with stuff. Update Timestamp Changes Often ❤️ - Working on Class Guides atm. Love you all! ~ @Emelia This thread is dedicated...
  10. Goodfellows

    What do you use your twink(s) for?

    Hey all :-D In these times/State of WOW, what you use or do with your twink(s)? Share ideas, tips or come up with new ways to play or use your characters!!! Have a FANTASTIC summer out there //Goodfellow
  11. Level 79 Fire Mage PvP Vol.2 - Classic WOTLK

    Level 79 Fire Mage PvP Vol.2 - Classic WOTLK

    Nearly79 Fire Mage PvP Volume 2.Unleashing the Power of the 79 Fire Mage! Head - Visage Liquification Goggles - 22SP 14HitShoulder - Brutal Gladiator's Sil...
  12. Level 79 Fire Mage PvP Vol.3 - Classic WOTLK

    Level 79 Fire Mage PvP Vol.3 - Classic WOTLK

    Nearly79 Fire Mage PvP Volume 3Head - Visage Liquification Goggles - 22SP 14HitShoulder - Brutal Gladiator's Silk Amice - 30Stam 15ResiBack - Volanthius Sh...
  13. Zenyh

    Wsg weekend and no twinks in bg, where are you? Part2 btw ->

  14. Vibbe

    Lvl 1 Twink PvE-Raids & PvP-FFA/Arena

    At <liféless> we do loads of fun stuff, here are some of the fun things we do and make videos to watch back and enjoy. But also to maybe get you to join us! If interested, join us at "Gehennas EU Horde" Starting of with:
  15. Vibbe

    LvL 1 Twink Event - Blade's Edge Arena Event - Gehennas Horde

    Blade's Edge Arena Event - Gehennas Horde In the upcoming days/weekend <liféless> will host a PvP-focused event taking place in the Blade's Edge Arena. Any and everything from FFA to Group battles will take place. Rules for the event: No World Buffs All other consumes, buffs and gear is allowed...
  16. Level 49 Mage Twink PvP Vol.2 - Classic WOTLK

    Level 49 Mage Twink PvP Vol.2 - Classic WOTLK

    Heatwave49 Fire Mage PvP Volume 2Classic WOTLKFIRE SPEC - https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/talent-calc/mage/-23502323103000312501202Head - Eye of FlameShoulder ...
  17. AlucardX

    Alucard- Destruction Warlock PvP Dragonflight (pre Patch)

    Dragonflight arrived and warlock lookin fun =D With the new talent system we can do a lot of new stuff and make New Talent Builds My Characters- 29 horde) https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/ravencrest/alucardxd 29 ally)...
  18. Mattens

    10-19 Level 19 Moonkin Twink Guide (Wotlk)

    Sup Guys! This is my first XPOff guide, but don't worry! I spent a lot of time on my boomie and know a lot of things most other guide makers don't! Now let's jump right in! Part 1: The Basics Part 2: Choosing a Race Part 3: Talents / Glyphs Part 4: Spells Part 5: Gear / Enchants Part 6...
  19. WoW19 WOTLK Classic

    WoW19 WOTLK Classic • What is this ? • WoW19 WOTLK Classic is a discord server for the twink 19 EU and US • What will you find in the discord ? • In the Discord WoW19, you will find: • Guides for all in-game classes (BIS gear, talents, glyph etc…) but also many other guides to help you...
  20. Embu

    Battle For Outland | lvl20 PvP Event EU

    [07.05.22] REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED! Introducing a new PvP event for lvl20 twinks! :p Alliance and Horde will fight in the arenas of the Hellfire Peninsula (Outland). • DATES • Thursday 7 July 09 PM CEST • HOW TO JOIN • Join the WoW20 Discord. Check the channel event-info...