mark of honor

  1. Not getting marks of honor

    Hey everyone, just coming back to F2P and I have noticed I'm not getting any marks of honor in my crate of battlefield goods. I've won about 4 bg's and still not 1. Have things changed? Thanks
  2. EU+US Marks of honor and luck

    I am wondering what kind of luck other players have in getting these, I am sitting at around every 15 crates, is that what other people are getting. I also have more drop before I have some sitting in my bags, once I get around 6 they drop much slower. Thoughts?
  3. GettFried

    Mark of Honor for 19 twinks

    Anything relevant for a lvl 19 twink to use mark of honor on?
  4. Verum

    No more Mark of Honor?

    As you can see on this picture I did not get any Mark of Honor from my BG-create. This is on my level 19, let me know if you don't get it on any other level! I theorize that it might be for locked xp only (that you don't get any more mark of honor).