Howdy folks.
Looking to buy any ilvl5 BIS leather gear or jewelry that fit the criteria of BiS as outlined in my guide for level ones.
Here are the templates:
Head, Chest, and Legs
+1 Primary Stat
+2 Stamina
+2 Secondary Stat A (Not Mastery)
+1 Secondary Stat B (Not Mastery)
+1 Tertiary...
I'm not sure the gain from iLevel stacking is worthwhile, I haven't got to BiS yet but the gain I'm seeing is minimal to say the least.
Armoury - I'll try and leave my iLevel gear on. In a BG I see +1 Int and +3 Stam over Questing / World Gear. I need to check if using a Darkmoon Draught...
Do you remember Chardev (do not go to the website now, as it is currently an 18+ site)? Well, back in "the day" it used to be a website that allowed for character gear and stat customization and was used heavily by twinks and others alike. Nowadays we have the Wowhead Profiler, but it is a...