
  1. Jonnes

    (NA) WTB Level 1 Rogue Twink Gear

    Howdy folks. Looking to buy any ilvl5 BIS leather gear or jewelry that fit the criteria of BiS as outlined in my guide for level ones. Here are the templates: Head, Chest, and Legs +1 Primary Stat +2 Stamina +2 Secondary Stat A (Not Mastery) +1 Secondary Stat B (Not Mastery) +1 Tertiary...
  2. EU+US Is iLevel worth it?

    I'm not sure the gain from iLevel stacking is worthwhile, I haven't got to BiS yet but the gain I'm seeing is minimal to say the least. Armoury - I'll try and leave my iLevel gear on. In a BG I see +1 Int and +3 Stam over Questing / World Gear. I need to check if using a Darkmoon Draught...
  3. Odjur

    Chardev - An iLevel scaling addon.

    Do you remember Chardev (do not go to the website now, as it is currently an 18+ site)? Well, back in "the day" it used to be a website that allowed for character gear and stat customization and was used heavily by twinks and others alike. Nowadays we have the Wowhead Profiler, but it is a...