
  1. EU A Hobbits Tale - the one ring (900 Ilvl hype)

    While wandering around and doing usual adventure stuff with my monk, I stumbled upon a young hobbit called smergoll. We ended up sharing a lot of beer and telling us storys about dragons and orcs. After some hours of nonsense gibberish he left our place and what he left behind is a little...
  2. an old twinker is back!

    hi guys, im max from italy...im back to twinking in legion. i twinked in tbc wotlk whit my rogue 19 and now im back!! im lvling a outlaw rogue and i have some questons.....i wanna twink lvl 29 because we have more controls and ambush (unlocked lvl 22) im using the guide for gearing up, i got...