
  1. Soryo

    Twink Changes Coming in SL... (opinions?)

    Hello everyone! With the new updates being released by Blizzard about Shadowlands and the upcoming level squish it got me thinking about changes to the twink community that may come with it. Every expansions we get either helpful additions, or additions that make it difficult to keep twinking...
  2. Soryo

    Twink Activity?

    Hey everyone, I know this is asked a lot, but what brackets are currently the most active for XPoff BGs (non-F2P)? -Soryo
  3. What bracket have lowest bg time?

    So I wanted to know what bracket have the lowest que time for twinks? Im on EU btw
  4. Danilo_Thann

    20-29 Queue system question

    Hey guys! Im new here and i have one question.. Are trial accounts queuing for bgs and arenas in the same bracket as 29 xp frozen twinks? Or the brackets are differents for free to play accounts and xpoff twinks?
  5. Ripduck

    News Xpoff League Tournament Series - Special Announcement

    Introducing XPOFF LEAGUE, a brand new four-part 19/29 Twink tournament series bringing competitive Arena and Warsong Gulch games to both NA and EU. This thread will provide information about the tournament schedule, prizes, where to watch the stream, and more. Tournament 1: Xpoff...