
  1. maxyz

    Information About Ranked Arenas at Level 20

    Does anyone have information about a website that tracks the number of Skirmish Arenas won and lost? Back in Draenor/BFA, there was a site where twinks could check their rating in Skirmish Arenas, but I can’t find it, and I’m not sure if it’s still working. Now that BGs take so long to pop, or...
  2. Vibbe

    Lvl 1 Twink PvE-Raids & PvP-FFA/Arena

    At <liféless> we do loads of fun stuff, here are some of the fun things we do and make videos to watch back and enjoy. But also to maybe get you to join us! If interested, join us at "Gehennas EU Horde" Starting of with:
  3. Warlord Daboo

    US Warlords of Warsong ALLIANCE - Pagle Classic!

    Warlords of Warsong is the most active twink guild in the game, on Mankrik Horde. We have recently created a 19 guild on Pagle - Alliance with hopes to bring Alliance into the community events that we host weekly! Another big goal that we have for this Alliance branch of Warlords of Warsong is...
  4. Warlord Daboo

    Vernal Arena Tournament (3v3) Cash and Gold Prize Event!

    Vernal Arena Tournament (3v3s) The 19s community has been hungry for 3s Arenas for a couple months now. Let’s give the community what they want! This 3v3 Tournament will be held on Saturday, April 15, starting around 9:00-9:30 pm eastern time! Both Alliance and Horde can participate in this...
  5. Warlord Daboo

    March Madness 19s Arena Tournament! $100 Cash Prize! 3/11/2023

    Warlords of Warsong is hosting our March Madness Arena Tournament to be played On March 11! Teams must sign up by March 10 to participate in the event. This event is a CASH PRIZE EVENT The Current Cash Pot is $100, and we encourage participants to add to the cash pot to make the event even more...
  6. Donor

    [CLASSIC] 39s arena nite WEDNESDAYS

    hey nerds let me introduce u 2 9 of the coolest fkn NPCs in classic
  7. Chey


    Hey guys, well outside my comfort zone with this one, limited editing (of games) some voice chat included and all mistakes, panic moments and bad positioning left in! Includes some fun shuffle 3v3 games with guild and solo queue 2v2. I make these videos because I enjoy doing it and never...
  8. erenburgh

    Arena Ranked / New Website Arena Skirmish Ladder for Twinks

    «Go arena, I created.» Now I can safely say this phrase because in fact, I created a project - a site-ladder with a rating from skirmishes for twinks (and not just for the 20th bracket)! I know the idea isn't new, but the common man can't understand how difficult it...
  9. Ivo

    20s Arena War Game Discord [EU]

    Hello everyone! A few guys from the EU arena community made an arena server with a similar goal as the US one . Everyone who wants to play is welcome regardless of skill level. We have all kinds of players ranging from absolute noobs to multi...
  10. dereksquadov

    20s Arena Rating Leaderboard?

    Hey guys. I remember seeing a post about a macro/arena rating leaderboard that used to be maintained for twinks competing in arenas (specifically 20s bracket). I tried doing a search for it but couldn't find anything. I'm working on SquadOV (a WoW arena VOD replay app) and we recently added a...
  11. [Question] Arena Leaderboards

    Hey guys I was curious if its possible at all make a new leaderboard to track skirmishes like there was in BFA? I remember was functioning well untill the XP On/off separation patch came. It would be really nice if it would be possible to organize a fresh...
  12. Omnistone

    EU+US New Addon for Skirmish Ratings is now up on Curse

    A week ago, me and Линдеманн took on the challenge of creating an addon that would show Skirmish Ratings in a player's tooltip. And guess what?! After a week of researching lua and wow api, we've done it! (...He did most of the work tbh) You can find our addon on twitch app by typing: Rated...
  13. Donor

    US windwalker wednesdays

    sup bros lemme c sum lvl 20 windwalker armories wanna make ww arenas or 5man ww premades a thing 4 wednesdays mine are ally vetðójò ally f2pÐójò ally f2p meme...
  14. 19 twink arena: Sha vs. War - YouTube

    19 twink arena: Sha vs. War - YouTube

    Purj vs. Dirtyauction
  15. 2550+ xp Rogue selling 2s B00$T

    You want the disgusting Elite Gear but are not g00d in pvp? add my skype and lets negotiate paschagrap
  16. Gmac

    "This Game is Too Easy!"

    First off, Yes, I have played in multiple 10v10 twink wargames and premades and I fully understand that you CAN have fiercely competitive games as a twink and it is a lot of fun to do for bragging rights. Probably going to get flamed for this opinion from all the rank 1 twinks out there...
  17. Gucciyo

    EU Battleground culture

    Is there a reason everyone just spams bgs and avoids wargames? Is it the lack of an official rating system? Do people actually enjoy shitting on levelers all the time? In this Ted Talk I'm gonna Jk But really BGs are so boring so please try and be more active and willing to wargame :) We...
  18. Blueballuh

    US Need partners for tourney. PROTWAR/BOOMY/DISC pref

    I've been playing a good bit of prot warrior lately queing random bgs and although it probably cant find a solid place in 10v10 wargames. I think it has a lot of potential when it comes to a 3v3 scenario. I am looking for serious partners who are ready to put in a good amount of time skirming...
  19. Warlord Daboo

    US The War for Nagrand! February 2nd Large Scale Wpvp battle!

    Warlords of Warsong and The Brotherhood of Banners will be hosting a large scale Wpvp battle on Saturday, February 2nd at 9pm realm! Every level 19 is invited to have fun with us. No premade teams will be permitted to join, we will all group up in a raid group and split into groups of 15 making...
  20. AxiomDK

    US 20-29 | 3v3 Wargames - Every Tuesday Night!

    Start Date: 11/13/2018 Please read the ENTIRE POST! :D If any arena teams do not have their own discord server to use, refer to the XPOFF Discord. [NEW] [IMPORTANT] - Every Tuesday this event will start at 8:30pm Eastern Standard Time [Notice] - Next Scheduled Event: 11/20/18 Introduction...