Arena Ranked / New Website Arena Skirmish Ladder for Twinks



«Go arena, I created.»

Now I can safely say this phrase because in fact, I created a project - a site-ladder with a rating from skirmishes for twinks (and not just for the 20th bracket)!

I know the idea isn't new, but the common man can't understand how difficult it was to implement at this point in time, so:

A moment of informative content. The old ladders on Trialand and Xpoff were based on pulling player rating data directly from Blizzard's Web API (from the open web code), which contained information about the character, rating, stats, etc.

But with the release of Shadowlands, the Web API changed and the line of code about the rating from the skirmishes was gone (either removed or hidden on purpose), which made the past ladders no longer work.

Coming to bracket, I thought about reviving the idea, as I'm interested in the arena aspect by 20, both tournaments and regular games. But no one plays on skirmishers except lvlers, and there is no open ranking - as a result, there is not much motivation.

I found out that there are addons that pull rankings from skirmishes inside the game and display it there as well, so I thought, what if we could pull that data onto the site?

And we did it.

We created a client, and it acts as a bridge between the addon (which pulls the rating from the game) and the website (which receives data from the client).

A chain of connections for clarity:

Game API - Addon - Client - Site. Doesn't seem too complicated.

Answering all the nihilists beforehand - this rating is REAL.

It really is in the game, because the arena itself can not exist without an internal MMR system (system of selection of players), but Blizzard hides it because the skirmishes are designed solely to play without rating. With that, I think it should be clear.

I repeat, this is the real rating, we do not draw it and do not calculate ourselves.

Well, next, I'll tell you about the project:


We have one page where all the players are concentrated.


1. To get into the tender, you need to download the client by clicking on [Big red button] and then install it.

2. The client itself will put the addon Arena Ranked in a folder with the game (you will need to specify), then run the client (you can after installation) and go into the game.

3. Having played in the arena and got the first rating need to exit the game (close WoW), the client will automatically send data to the site

4. Finished! You are in the Ladder. Your character will automatically have a link to Armory and a portrait of your character.

5. Play to update your rating and position on the board.

The site will have a detailed guide with screenshots on the "Join to ladder" page.

The functionality of the site is packed with interesting features, which were not on the previous ladders.

Awards. There is a system of unique rewards not related to the achievements of the game. They will be planned me and given out for the overall table achievements, and for some kind of unique moments, such as an arena-event, or something like that (while thinking over what exactly to give "awards").

2) B&C Tournament Flags. There will be flags for participation and victory in the tournament Bread & Circuses, they will be displayed on the card of your character allocating from the general mass.

3. B&C Tournament Fund. Together with the tournament organizers, we have created a general fund into which anyone can make a donation to further distribute the amount for the winners. This opens up new opportunities to sponsor the tournament and increase the sums for games.

4. Unique portrait frames. A system of frames that act as cosmetics for support on Patreon. (Wasn't originally planning to introduce advertising, donations, etc., but given that the project cost a certain amount from my personal pocket, I think comments are unnecessary). Well, in general, I think this model is interesting enough, you want to support the project - here's your makeup, stands out from the general table, and sets the character. Frames will be a few kinds for different types of support.

Just give the opportunity to turn off ads on the site (by the way, it is not intrusive and neatly built into the structure).

5. 20, 30, 40, 50 lvl. Made a few formats of boards, which will be entered players of different levels, it will allow all kinds of twinks as well participate in the games (on separate tables from each other) on the stop exp and revive activity in other brackets.

Yes yes, at 20 will also be able to play on the stop exp, if there is an activity from you, but about that a little later in the text.

6. Convenient filtered search by class and faction. Well, here are no comments.

7. Adaptive mobile version. You can check the rating from the minibus or the restroom. How do you like it?

8. FINES FOR CLASSES. Now for the hunters. Since at the start of the project I conducted a mini-study and a survey, the topic of the presence of OP classes in the ladder. "There will be some hunts, not interesting, here are the warriors with Crusader" is the gold standard.

Since the site is developed by us, we have access to edit the data obtained from the client, which are pulled from the addon.

How will this work? Let's imagine that a hunter would like to participate in the ladder. In the game in fact, his rating will be 2400. In the code, we will sew that the data are obtained from all specializations hunter final figure will be 20% less from the original. Total we will get approximately 1800-1900 rating.

This should create pressure on the players who think that only because of the OP class they can sit at the top. Someone will say "But then the hunter will just need to play more in the arena, it will be an additional motivation to play even more". No. The system will be progressive. First of all, most likely the first month we will not give access to ladder hunters, until the first base of players. Secondly, if we have too many hunters even with penalty, we'll increase penalty percentage to 25+%, which will create a disadvantage, because with a rating of 2800 in fact they will be the same 2000.

Paladins (Retri) and Warriors will also be under penalty until we change Crusader/ The rest of the classes will be regulated after player feedback, feedback can be left on the Arena Ranked channel in Discord.

And now regarding the arena community and "But there are only Lvlers!!!": yes, there are indeed Lvlers, but they are super few. It seems like there are a lot of them, only because the general mass of TWINKS do NOT go to ARENA. And why is that? Because Lvlers do, and why? Because there is no motivation for twinks to go to arenas, and because Lvlers.

Vicious circle.

And imagine if the stable skirmishes will play 50 twinks. What is 5 lvlers on this amount? And imagine if 100?

And if 200+? There are even more people on the breket. And arenas can play alliance against alliance and horde against horde.

When Twinks will start playing arenas - lvlers will just be the masses, reduce them to the equivalent of undressed pve players on the cap, or just people who can not play.

Most importantly, if the Twinks will start playing - to form a proper MMR system, and swinging above 1500 will not throw, because any lvler came into the arena has a standard 1500 MMR. Above 1800 lvlers simply will not be.

As a rule, lvlers in general do not play skirmishes forever, and even if some lvler will go to games, he because of the number of twinks in the roster simply will not go above this figure (1500). And over time lvlers can just stop going to skirmishes, knowing that this is the "zone twinks" where they go overgeared people and win anyway

Also, an important factor: if there are enough players playing arenas we can create games on stop exp and it will be a specific "twinks zone" where there will be pure search for those who at the moment is sitting with game time. This opens a new access to the game, even if you have a subscription.

And all this can create YOU. I gave you motivation, gave you a handy tool to track yourself, a friend, a foe, that fucker with Crusader over there in the rankings table, gave you achieves and portraits.

All you have to do is play.

If you start playing arenas, each of you will start playing arenas - it is you who will create a new (or alternate) expirience of the game on 20th and that player base that will resurrect the arena tab. This can create interest in the game for those who have had time to get tired and get away from the monotony, for those who wanted arena development on tweens, for those who just care. In the future, you can have qualifying games for B&C from the rankings in the ladder.

What is the advantage of playing skirmishes arena? First, there is no division into 2x2 and 3x3. If he wants to play hil to him will just throw a bunch of two twinks dd, it's cool, and do not have to worry about the fact that in 2c will be the team hil / dd. There will only be heels in 3s, but the rating is one.

Ladder will start on March 2nd, with the start of the new arena season. Everyone will be playing from ZERO because the rating will be reset.

Tell your acquaintances, co-workers, family, friends, and see you at Arena Ranked 02.03.2022!
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I also would love to use this to organize NA tournament "seasons" as well, doing it manually was a pain in the ass and one of the reasons we've only had one "season" so far. Plus I've just kind of been waiting for crusader to be fixed...

I'd love to bounce some ideas off you as well, reach out to me on discord when you have the time
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View attachment 20689
A moment of informative content. The old ladders on Trialand and Xpoff were based on pulling player rating data directly from Blizzard's Web API (from the open web code), which contained information about the character, rating, stats, etc.

But with the release of Shadowlands, the Web API changed and the line of code about the rating from the skirmishes was gone (either removed or hidden on purpose), which made the past ladders no longer work.

Coming to bracket, I thought about reviving the idea, as I'm interested in the arena aspect by 20, both tournaments and regular games. But no one plays on skirmishers except lvlers, and there is no open ranking - as a result, there is not much motivation.

I found out that there are addons that pull rankings from skirmishes inside the game and display it there as well, so I thought, what if we could pull that data onto the site?

And we did it.

We created a client, and it acts as a bridge between the addon (which pulls the rating from the game) and the website (which receives data from the client).
Thank you for confirming I was not insane and your amazing effort to bridge this gap!
Haven't tested yet but it sure looks promising :)
I'm assuming the date is day/month so this opens in March 2nd and not Feb 3rd?

Edit.. My bad. I see mention of the date now. Awesome Job
nice website, but im confused. is it only for xpoff twinks or just vets in general. and is it for both EU and NA ? great idea u got
Is it possible to support Chinese servers?
Alas, this will not be implemented yet. Perhaps in the future we will consider this issue, but for now we are focused on launching the project, let's call it a "beta" version, let it be a full-fledged release. In the future, if there is a noticeable response and support from the community, we will develop the project and introduce new solutions. Integration with Chinese is no exception. Sorry if I upset you!
First, this is awesome. I love everything about what this means to the community and the potential for amazing competition.

I have a few thoughts and then a general point of concern I'd like to share.

1. I don't like the arbitrariness of the rating penalty. It would almost be better to just ban hunters from having their skirmish ratings appear at all.

2. Classes with a rating penalty are still treated by Blizzard's internal MMR of having that rating. Being a 2800 rated Warlock and losing to a 2000 rated Hunter will suck. A lot.

3. Crusader's main issue (as I understand it, coming back from a few months of break) is the healing - not the strength bonus. The strength bonus is still substantial, but it's down 60%. The healing aspect of Crusader can be utilized by any (?) melee class. Point being, I don't see why Ret would be penalized purely for having Crusader. Arms is its own can of worms that would fit in a similar category to Hunter - but again, see Point #1.

Now the point of general concern:

What is to stop me from queueing a non-penalty class (let's say DK) with a Hunter and getting to title glad? My hunter will be at 2250 while I'm at 3000, correct?

And then I'd just like to conclude by saying this is an amazing job and I'm really proud of the initiative and hard work this project must have taken. Well done!
First, this is awesome. I love everything about what this means to the community and the potential for amazing competition.

I have a few thoughts and then a general point of concern I'd like to share.

1. I don't like the arbitrariness of the rating penalty. It would almost be better to just ban hunters from having their skirmish ratings appear at all.

2. Classes with a rating penalty are still treated by Blizzard's internal MMR of having that rating. Being a 2800 rated Warlock and losing to a 2000 rated Hunter will suck. A lot.

3. Crusader's main issue (as I understand it, coming back from a few months of break) is the healing - not the strength bonus. The strength bonus is still substantial, but it's down 60%. The healing aspect of Crusader can be utilized by any (?) melee class. Point being, I don't see why Ret would be penalized purely for having Crusader. Arms is its own can of worms that would fit in a similar category to Hunter - but again, see Point #1.

Now the point of general concern:

What is to stop me from queueing a non-penalty class (let's say DK) with a Hunter and getting to title glad? My hunter will be at 2250 while I'm at 3000, correct?

And then I'd just like to conclude by saying this is an amazing job and I'm really proud of the initiative and hard work this project must have taken. Well done!

Hi! I understand that the situation with fines is very ambiguous. On the one hand, this was my original plan: to remove hunters from the system. But I conducted a poll among the players, and 90% were in favor of the idea of penalties.

The site will not take into account MMR, hunter with 2800 will play against players 2800 (if such will be on this ranking). If there will be the same hunters - super, then it will be a separate sandbox hunters who measure their "gun" :D

Giving up hunters in the ladder would mean losing a large pool of loyal players who love this class not because it's OP, but because it's their main for years.

As for paladins and why they would be penalized: The penalty would be less than for hunters and fury warriors. Paladin is basically a strong class at 20 even without Knight, because: he has a great save in the form of two healing abilities, which have huge potential (1 Retrie can keep his teammate for a very long time because of this). Secondly, the Knight only complicates things. Once the Knight is changed - the penalty for the paladin drops to 5-10%. At the start it will be a conditional 15%, while the furry warrior and hunter this value will be 20%

UPD. The penalty system as a whole will allow us to control the balance position in the arena, if we see that Warlocks are very strong - we will give a conditional penalty, and we will monitor the games. This will allow us to control Blizzard's mistakes.
players who love this class not because it's OP, but because it's their main for years.

As for your conerns Bop, sure there may be problems but iteration 1 is allowed to have mistakes. :D
you can further refine, nothing is set in stone.
The penalty system as a whole will allow us to control the balance position in the arena, if we see that Warlocks are very strong - we will give a conditional penalty, and we will monitor the games. This will allow us to control Blizzard's mistakes.
I'm just one guy with an opinion but I'd prefer it if you didnt make any adjustments, even to hunters. A well meaning adjustment to discourage people from playing a broken class is just going to lead to this slippery slope you're already walking on where you're slapping a bunch of classes with various adjustments to try an make up for balance issues that have plagued twink brackets since vanilla.

I'd just stick with the "standard" twink comp rules (limit one per class, limit 1 healer) and then just let it ride.

We know what the scumbag comps are (and who's gonna be running them) and we can mock them well enough without having to get messy with all sorts of point adjustments and penalties and such.
I'm just one guy with an opinion but I'd prefer it if you didnt make any adjustments, even to hunters. A well meaning adjustment to discourage people from playing a broken class is just going to lead to this slippery slope you're already walking on where you're slapping a bunch of classes with various adjustments to try an make up for balance issues that have plagued twink brackets since vanilla.

I'd just stick with the "standard" twink comp rules (limit one per class, limit 1 healer) and then just let it ride.

We know what the scumbag comps are (and who's gonna be running them) and we can mock them well enough without having to get messy with all sorts of point adjustments and penalties and such.

How do you limit things to twink comp rules though?

Won't the only limitation be skirmish rules (no healer in 2's, 1 healer max in 3's) ?

Because from what I understand, there's not really a way to tell who is queueing with who outside of (1) personally knowing the people who are on a team together because small community, or (2) trying to do some data analytics stuff.
How do you limit things to twink comp rules though?

Won't the only limitation be skirmish rules (no healer in 2's, 1 healer max in 3's) ?

Because from what I understand, there's not really a way to tell who is queueing with who outside of (1) knowing the people who are on a team together, or (2) trying to do some data analytics stuff.
oh, yea. fair point lol. Im big dumb today.
anyone do a virus check?
Hi! The client is currently in the final stages of development, there will be a test on February 28 and March 1. I'm giving test access to a few people from the forum and some from my region.

I can assure everyone here that there will be no viruses in the client. I will explain what this is about.


I didn't want to develop the client myself because I knew that the community might react negatively.

At the beginning of the project, I wanted to be able to extract data from the game by encrypting the code and paste it into the website, here is the proof in the form of past concepts:

But this proved unachievable because the encryption key can only be stored in the addon code, and that's not secure because anyone could tamper with the data.

After that, the only possible option was the client, which automatically uploads the data without the user's participation, and closes the user's access to editing (because the client is directly linked to the site database and was written for it).


Guys, we just wanted to play a rating arena for 20, understand. We don't give a shit what kind of porn you watch, what kind of data you have on your PC and god forbid, we didn't put any viruses in it. There are two of us, I'm a web designer, and with me is someone who manually wrote the client just for the sole function of broadcasting the rating from the game to the site.

All you can do is trust and understand that this is a pure and voluntary idea, with no intent to harm. I did this project first and foremost FOR ME, because I wanted to play arenas on the rankings myself, and applied my career skills by contributing for twinks, because I played here back in the days of pandaria.

An example of our development is RIO, people are also downloading this, installing and using it, and it causes no problems. Our story is similar.

UPD. To prove my words, I also have screenshots of a very large dialogue with Foots (he created the Rated addon). In the conversation, I asked him to implement the ability to export the data, so you can take this data to the site. He put it in, but it was useless for the aforementioned reason:
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