alterac valley

  1. Eleannor

    Community for 15th Anniversary's Alterac Valley

    Starting next Tuesday (11/05/19), a special version of Alterac Valley will be available until the end of November(?). This time-limited battleground will be special because: Alterac Valley will be featured in its original state, when it was first release (most likely it will mean different NPC...
  2. DigitalChemyst

    WoW's 15th Anniversary XP-OFF BG's!!!

    *TLDR: If you queue with XP-OFF in the new BG on Tuesday, everyone will be in the same queue! If you want to do the other BGs, you MUST PARTY SYNC! Use the communities below to do that!* With the 15th anniversary event coming this Tuesday, I thought it would be nice to get in on the BG action...
  3. EU+US Alterac Valley?

    So I know that it's an "option" to queue for alterac valley. I was wondering if there was a way that we could recruit massive amounts of Vets and F2ps to all queue up at the same time (both horde and alliance obviously) and somehow get it so an AV pops. I haven't played AV since burning crusade...
  4. Sicknature

    EU+US To AV or not to AV.

    Hello friends.. maybe i should give you a name..(Mr. Robot refference) Few days ago i had a rbg que that lasted for an hour and a half around 3 pm central eu time. From what i can gather 19s have 1m -5m ques during the day (correct me if im wrong tho) And the biggest difference bitween the...