Search results

  1. Any 2k+ MMR 5's teams wanting 2.2k in 5's ? [US]

    Hey, our 5's team is currently sitting at around 2100 MMR- If there is any high 5's teams out there that would like to que against us before the season ends hit me up on Skype, "jt_slip" We are U.S
  2. Snowdew Multi-boxing 1x Holy Pally, 1x Priest and 3 Hunters

    Show me where I said "this shit is unfair!" Keep up the good quotes bro.
  3. PvP Video Song Request!

    Got Reckful songs... now get Reckful skill.
  4. Best in Slot Player vs. Player

    4P Brut isn't BIS for Mage PVP :/ And that Holy Pally Chardev nearly made me vomit
  5. Titles and Mounts available at 70

    Geez I must be tired, I read " Tits in Mouth" as the title and it's Titles and Mounts rofl :/
  6. Snowdew Multi-boxing 1x Holy Pally, 1x Priest and 3 Hunters

    Why are you so angry lol ? I'm not mad about this at all, it seems like the people responding in this thread are much more angry and frustrated than I ever was lol ? Your calling me shit because I don't use Skype in the 20-24 Bracket to co-ordinate kills on Multi-boxers. All my friends and...
  7. 19s vs f2p queue times?

    Whaaaaa ? highest F2P Alliance que was 7 mins, I usually get Insta pops to max of 5 mins.
  8. Snowdew Multi-boxing 1x Holy Pally, 1x Priest and 3 Hunters

    I entered a WSG on my Rogue around 20 mins ago and I noticed there was 5 people from Area 52 on the Horde side, I was like meh a premade bitches ain't shit rar rar. Few mins into the BG I realised they were Multi-Boxing, I took my time to figure out who was leading the pack and it was "Snowdew"...
  9. Feeling down

    46 runs for Felfury legplates on my Pally lol :/
  10. Arena season 10 ending question

    MMR reset ! inc 100-0

    So so so so so so so so so bad :/
  12. Grats Podie, world second (for 10s)

    Gratz Sir HK's alot !
  13. 70 Pvp age's and gendres.

  14. Anyone else ready to quit?

    Roll a H Pally or D priest and /lol at DPS if your good ?
  15. Frost Resist Set In Action

    Horrible music once again, but the concept is cool... a few of my guildies have been stacking Frost resil lately.
  16. 24 list (US)

    Add my Rogue please
  17. how are the french so pro?

    Epic paint skills right tharrrrr !
  18. Arena Master Razzorz tearin up the 2's

    Why would you even record that lol ?
  19. Que for 5s KGO

    When do you guys usually que 5's ? and what MMR you at ?