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  1. Race for 24 Frost mage?

    i dunno just doing pugs i found the ground i can cover in combat with jump+blink is insane
  2. Race for 24 Frost mage?

    i was thinking about it and wanted other opinions but i was thinking goblin>Belf for the rocket jump just thinking about having a blink 2 Frost nova's and a rocket jump sounds sexy i can see where the AoE intterupt would have its situations but...
  3. new 24

    if only it was on like a enh shammy for the mongoose rogues as well if they can use axe's
  4. Herald Of Titans

    about 2months ago there was a Herald run on Stormrage US theres my R shammy who got it if i could do it over and had time i would've goten the tier shoulders and the 10man cloak from algalon (elemental right now as i planned on lvling...
  5. Horde Enh shammy chardev?

    i was just wondering if any1 has a chardev of horde enh shammy because i know at 85 enh shammy stack hit like a mother (27%) so i was wondering if that rule follows through at low lvl's as well or if i'd just cap my lava lash
  6. Stop Reporting Undergeareds AFK

    kicking out -1k players is fine because that effects your experience of the game BUT just dont be rude about it and provide a link to twinkinfo maybe a arrmory link if u know some1 of that class from the top of your head and recomend Aerie Peak to them so they can be helped out
  7. Five For Fishing Level 5 Twink Guild Starting UP Again

    what about lvl 7 or 9 for pally/shammy heals?
  8. 20twink H pally name HELP!

    doesent fit thats what i thought of before i came to twinkinfo
  9. 20twink H pally name HELP!

    thanks for the input though acai the crittycounter/control i really liked and cleanse i would've used
  10. 20twink H pally name HELP!

    when using the word critty the 2nd word can only be 6letters meaning counter command control and cleanse dont fit and honestly dont care over the others
  11. 20twink H pally name HELP!

    all my 20twinks go of the basis of critty______ and i try to keep it starting with a C but for a pally im stuck warrior was clap druid was cat and lock was curse now im stuck with this naming system and i cant figure 1 out for H pally which is the next toon im making also any recomendations for...
  12. Grunt's Shield of Blocking

    i also have a meadow ring of eluding on stormrage
  13. What class gets the most MoP love?

    does no1 realize that shaman is getting a Repulsion totem and riptide for healing OP
  14. Draenei Shadow Priest

    wouldn't human be better for 12stam or 4stam 10 spell pen and still get like a 10% increase to spirt as human
  15. Arms vs Fury

    i know theres been many of these topics but dont wanna dig through pages so heres my question Arms? or Fury? arms comes with the only healing reduction at this lvl but at the cost of a spammable slow which is the only reason warrior can stay on alot of class's im guessing the obvious...
  16. So any1 can beat this?

    Feat Of Strength

    <------picture female ftw
  18. What is it about hunters

    ...Feral druid gimped? funny my 900 hp taruen druid was getting 12-13 KB's without BoA WSG weekend
  19. Arena Team combo's

    see you cant rely on a Disc priest in arena because ur completly screwed if the other team has a good purging shaman